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Filtering Schemas in the Tree

Only in DbVisualizer Pro

This feature is only available in the DbVisualizer Pro edition.

To include only schemas matching a search criteria in the Databases tab tree:

  1. Use Database->Show/Hide Tree Filter to display the Databases tree filter configuration area,
  2. Select Schema in the Object Type list,
  3. Enter one or more criteria,
  4. Activate the filter by checking the Activate Filter checkbox,
  5. If you modify the filter, click the Save Filter button to apply the changes.

A criteria consists of a field (e.g Name) and a pattern to match against. The pattern can contain any alphabetic characters and percent signs or asterisks as wildcards for matching any character, e.g. O% to match objects with names starting with an O.You can define more than one criteria. Just click the plus sign next to the first one. With more than one, you must also select if the filter should match All or Any criteria with the radio buttons below the criteria.

A pattern may also be include some regular expressions, such as config[12]* which would match config11 and config22 but not config33 thanks to the [12] regular expression part, or config11|config33 to match either config11 or config33. The ^ and $ regular expressions characters for "begins with" and "ends with" must not be used; unless you use a percent sign or asterisk wildcard character at the beginning or end of the pattern, it is assumed to start or end exactly as typed.

A common requirement is to list only the default schema or catalog (database) in the database objects tree. This can be accomplished using the filtering functionality, but the recommended way is to do this with the Show only default Database or Schema property in the Properties tab for the database connection object.