Starting DbVisualizer
How to start DbVisualizer depends on the operating system you are using.
- Windows In the Start menu, select the DbVisualizer menu item.
- Linux/Unix Open a shell and change directory to the DbVisualizer installation directory. Execute the dbvis program. If DbVisualizer was installed using the setup installer an optional desktop icon can be used to launch the app.
- macOS Double click on the DbVisualizer application or the application bundle.
You can also start DbVisualizer with the bundled script files, please see the GUI Command Line Arguments page for details. For tasks that do not require a GUI, such as tasks scheduled via the operating system's scheduling tool, you can also use the pure command-line interface.
EULA (End User License Agreement)
When you start DbVisualizer for the first time, or after upgrading to a more recent version, you are prompted to accept the End User License Agreement.
Free or Pro Version
If you start DbVisualizer without a valid license, you are presented with a dialog that prompts you to choose how to proceed; you can proceed and run the Free version, request an Evaluation license, or register a license for the Pro version.
You can also proceed without entering a license and do that later using the Help menu (see Evaluating the Pro Edition and Installing a Pro Edition License).
Next, you may choose to change the theme. This setting may also be changed later (see Changing the GUI Appearance).
Master Password
A master password option comes next. It is not required to set a master password, but it can be useful to prevent unauthorized access to your work. This is another setting that can be changed later (see Setting a Master Password)
Anonymous Statistics
Lastly, we ask you to help us improve, by collecting anonymous user data to help us analyze which features are valuable. This is yet again something that can be reconfigured later (see Telemetry).
Background Panel
When you first open DbVisualizer, or if you close all tabs at any time later, the backgrund panel becomes visible; this holds a few useful shortcuts and links.