Release Notes 10.0

You are currently viewing an old version of DbVisualizer. We recommend that you check out our latest 24.3.1 version.

10.0.27 - Released 2020-04-08

Area Details
DB Support: H2 Add Cascade option for the Drop Schema action in H2
DB Support: SQL Server Add a better information message for the DDL tab when View is encrypted
Grid Component Using "Script to SQL Commander->Insert Copy Into Table", the last generated command is not terminated with a semicolon
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Vertica
Can't export DDL for Views (Vertica)
Explain Plan Problem running explain using DBMS_XPLAN if there is already an old PLAN_TABLE available
Favorites Error when sorting folders in the Favorite tab
OS Support: Linux
OS Support: macOS
The shell scripts doesn't have execute permissions for the archive installers
OS Support: Windows Warnings in Win32ShellFolderManager2 generated by Java 1.8.0_242 on Windows appears as application errors in DbVisualizer
Object View Intermittent error loading database object
Query Builder Query builder generates incorrect SQL if using operator NONE or NOT ALL on empty condition tree
Occasional error dropping tables in the Query Builder

10.0.26 - Released 2020-02-05

Area Details
DB Support: H2 Update H2 driver version to 1.4.199
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Auto Completion Auto Display Delay tool property is not used after restart of DbVisualizer
Auto completion not working with PostgreSQL when using operator NOT
DB Support: Vertica There might be an error during startup of Vertica due to users.is_super_user column is not available
Edges to/from selected nodes not highlighted in "Print Preview" unless "Print" has been called first
References Duplicate relationships in References view
SQL Editor An error may appear when having quick find visible and closing an SQL Commander tab with keyboard

10.0.25 - Released 2019-12-07

Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Virtual schemas are not ordered according to their name
Database Objects Tree Add right-click action to rename selected folder in the Databases tab
References Color code pk/fk edges in the References graph
Must be possible to chose color scheme when export and print of references graph
Make a compound graph instead of having two (exported/imported) for a single table
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: DB2 LUW DB2 VARGRAPHIC column sizes are reported incorrectly in Columns tab
DB Support: MySQL
String is mapped to TINYTEXT during import using MySQL Connector/J 8.0.x
DDL Generator Fully Qualified Column Names only generated for first column
Grid Component Copy Selection as IN Clause having columns qualified with table names that are enclosed in delimited identifier, will duplicate the delimiters if multiple cells
References References graph for table shows up blank if selecting Exported or Imported when no such relations exist if "Show only referenced"
SQL Editor Add setting to truncate the text being displayed when "Show SQL in Tooltip" in the General / Tabs tool properties category

10.0.24 - Released 2019-11-03

Area Details
Auto Completion The popup list of keywords during auto completion should match the setting for "Case for Auto Completed Keywords" in tool properties
Auto-capitalize SQL keywords during auto completion
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DDL Generator
Make sure DDL for views always include schema name for referenced objects
Grid Component The Export Grid action should be enabled even if there are no rows in the grid
OS Support: macOS Add app notarization which is required from macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd) DbvisCmd corrupts current directory
Connection Setup Regression where basic connection details for connections using the same JDBC driver is overwritten
DB Support: Mimer SQL Same constraint generated multiple times in table DDL

10.0.23 - Released 2019-10-22

Area Details
Auto Completion Column names should be auto completed even though preceded by "top <number>"
Docs: Users Guide
Improve usability of the Compare functionality
Connection Setup The connect window should show database connection name in window title
Offer quick search in Driver Properties tab for a database connection
DB Support: Redshift Upgrade the Redshift JDBC Driver to 1.2.34
DB Support: TIBCO
Database Objects Tree
All Schemas from every catalog display under each individual catalog when connected to TIBCO Data Virtualization
Database Objects Tree Have an option to set that columns in the Databases tab are sorted alphabetically. (Right-click in Databases tab and select "Sort...")
General The dbviscmd and dbvisgui command scripts should use any JRE that is bundled with the DbVisualizer installation, and then look in the PATH or the JAVA_EXEC environment variable
Grid Component Change default horizontal scrolling in grids to variable (was column)
Look and Feel: macOS
OS Support: macOS
Make the unselected tab color darker for the macOS look and feel
Tool Properties Add "Global Properties" link in the connection properties panes
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd) The command-line interface, dbviscmd should run even if logging can not be initiated
dbviscmd does not honor the connection property for "Strip Comments when Executing"
Grid Component
Editing grid shifts focus to the compare view if compare view is open for the same grid
SQL Editor
Undo in original editor not possible after compare
Connection Setup Setting default values for driver properties in drivers.xml should not result in the error balloon being displayed
Contact Support Exception when system clipboard is not available
DB Support: Oracle Exception when creating a Job object with Oracle 11.2
An error may be reported if changing the Attribute for a Scheduler Job object
DB Support: PostgreSQL Non unique Index is marked as UNIQUE in the DDL tab
DB Support: Redshift Stored procedures in Redshift having all unnamed parameters can not be viewed in the Procedure Editor
DB Support: SQL Server Right-click "Open in xxx Tab" and "Script: xxx" actions doesn't work in the Tables/Views grids
DB Support: SQL Server
Procedure Editor
Stored procedure with null definition gives an error
DB Support: SQLite An error may occur in Alter Table if table contains a column including "check" in its name
Grid Component Jump to Quick Filter key binding in Row Form window doesn't work
ConcurrentModificationException when importing data
Java 8
OS Support: Linux
Programatically deactivate the org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper on Linux with OpenJDK 8. Solves the infamous "componentResized" issue
SQL Commander When auto-commit is off and commit is clicked in the "there are open transactions" dialog any errors are only visible in the debug log
Changing the data type for a "noshow" variable doesn't have any effect other than for its first reference
Progress percentage to high when go <nn> is used

10.0.22 - Released 2019-08-16

Area Details
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DB Support: Oracle
SQL Commander
Add control to automatically clear the DBMS Output buffer between executions
DB Support: Informix Add "Grants" viewer for Views, System Tables and Procedures
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Add support in Import Table Data for types such as JSON, MACADDR, MONEY, and others
DB Support: Redshift Upgrade the Redshift JDBC Driver to
DB Support: Redshift
Procedure Editor
Add support for Stored Procedures in Redshift
DB Support: SQL Server
SQL Commander
Support Error Line Numbers for Official MSSQL JDBC Driver
Add "Detect Data Types in Quoted Values" setting in table data import
CSV Column Delimiter settings should accept non-printable characters and Unicode identifier (ex: u2656)
Add "Quote All Values" when export table data
Grid Component Need setting to disable wildcard detection in the grid quick search popup
Grid Component
SQL Editor
Show an error if system clipboard is not available during copy
SQL Commander Support "GO <nn>" which runs the previous statement <nn> times
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd)
OS Support: Linux
The -Xdock Java arguments in should not be used when running the script on Linux
Compare Occasional error when comparing two editor buffers
Connection Setup The "HIT" JDBC driver may fail at connect with a NullPointerException
DB Support: Hive The "Create Index" action for Hive generates wrong SQL
DB Support: Oracle
SQL Commander
Output generated by DBMS_OUTPUT may not include leading/trailing whitespaces that are part of the output
DB Support: SQL Server Running an empty argument list function returning TABLE results in an exception
DB Support: SQL Server
Database Profile: Actions
The SQL when creating an "Inline Table Function" in SQL Server is incorrect
DB Support: SQLite
DDL Generator
DDL extracting doesn't work properly if original DDL contains comments
Export Any custom set Column or Row Delimiter in Export Schema/Table is reset to first value in the pre-defined delimiters list
Import Occasional error during import
File Data Type is reset when going forth and back in the Import Table Data wizard
Query Builder NullPointerException when Query Builder draws arcs between table nodes
SQL Commander Error when using @run preceded with a @cd to a location specified by user variable
Tool Properties ClassCastException when getting JDBC default fetch size

10.0.21 - Released 2019-06-02

Area Details
App Logging Using dbviscmd shows any passwords set as arguments in the debug output
Connection Setup Allow configuration of the maximum SSH authentication retries
Introduce the "Fetch Size" connection property used to give a hint to the JDBC driver the number of result set rows to get in a single network call
DB Support: DB2 LUW Update the DB2 JDBC driver to 4.25.1301
DB Support: Elasticsearch Add Database Type and driver entry for Elasticsearch
DB Support: Exasol Update Exasol JDBC driver to version 6.1.2
DDLs for Exasol Views are not generated correctly
Updates for Exasol
DB Support: H2 Table index node should include the column the index refers to
DB Support: InterSystems IRIS Add database type and driver entry for InterSystems IRIS
DB Support: SQL Server Include Creation and Modification Date in the listings for tables, views, procedures, etc.
DB Support: Sybase ASE
Object View
For Sybase ASE add a new DBA->Blocked or Waiting Objects view
Database Profile Add right-click menu item "Open" in the connection Properties->Database Profile list. Will open the selected profile XML file in system editor
Docs: EULA Request EULA consent when starting DbVisualizer rather than approving it during installation
Export Allow generating multi-row inserts with a single INSERT statement in the export features
Installation/Update Installation
Java 8
Now bundles the AdoptOpenJDK 8 on Windows 32/64 and AdoptOpenJDK 11 on macOS
SQL Editor Rearrange the SQL editor right-click menu by moving for example cut, copy, and paste to top level rather than the Edit sub menu
Workspace Loading a file that is already open in a floating window should move that window in front of all other DbVisualizer windows
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd) dbviscmd should fail with a user friendly message if no Java runtime can be found
dbviscmd doesn't tell if there is no command specified in the -sql parameter or if the file identified by -sqlfile doesn't exist or is empty
DB Support: DB2 LUW
Grid Compare doesn't honor the Grid->Show Column Alias as Grid Column Label tool property for drivers supporting aliases such as DB2
DB Support: Exasol There are no columns listed for database Views
DB Support: MySQL
DDL Generator
The DDL for a GEOMETRY and its spatial key is incorrect
DB Support: Oracle The "Change Password" capability for Oracle is invisible for a brand new Oracle connection. Only restart makes it visible
DB Support: PostgreSQL View definition not visible for a user not owning the view
Empty Arrays are displayed as NULL
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DB Support: Redshift
When getting catalogs in Redshift there is suddenly the "oid" column in first index where catalog name is expected
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Data tab
Procedure Editor
Having "Preserve Object View tabs at Disconnect" disabled and object view tabs with edited content, when reconnect these tabs are closed without confirmation (for ex the Data tab and Procedure Editor)
DDL Generator The DDL for a view object with a comment is "COMMENT ON TABLE" rather than "COMMENT ON VIEW"
Database Objects Tree
SQL Commander
Dragging an object name from the Databases tab to the SQL Commander should insert the name at the caret position
Scripts Exception when moving directory to another directory in the scripts Tab
Workspace New tabs may occasionally end up in new tab groups

10.0.20 - Released 2019-04-14

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Java 8
OS Support: Windows
Startup exception on Windows with Java 8

10.0.19 - Released 2019-04-10

Area Details
Auto Completion The auto completion popup should display automatically only if already connected
DB Support: Exasol Add sort of roles and grantees
DB Support: SQLite Upgrade to SQLite 3.27.2
Add pipe ("|") and percent ("%") as pre-defined characters for CSV import and export
Tool Properties
User settings files should be saved when modifying favorites
Installation/Update Installation The OpenJ9 (Eclipse) JVM should be detected by the install4j launcher when its Java home is path specified in .install4jprefs_jre.cfg
SQL Commander DbVisualizer should recognise (earlier than at time of save) if any external changes in a file that is already loaded in the SQL Commander and warn user
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup IndexOutOfBoundsException when fetching tooltip
DB Support: PostgreSQL Tablespaces with a role as an owner doesn't show up
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Database Profile
DDL is not formatted in the DDL Tab
DB Support: PostgreSQL
SQL Commander
When getting into the "current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block" state, the search_path is reset at next execution in the SQL Commander which will not consider any non default Schema drop-down choice
OS Support: Windows Startup exception on Windows with Java 9+
Monitor Possible exception when running monitors
SQL Editor Doing a Copy in the editor when there is no selection will clear the clipboard
Rectangular selection select wrong part when Auto Highlight is enabled
Table Data Editor The Table Data Editor don't consider any unique indexes during save
Setting too large value in table data editor is not detected
Workspace Open a object view tab as a favorite with a pre-defined tab doesn't work

10.0.18 - Released 2019-03-01

Area Details
Connection Setup Make the use of the SSH config file optional
DB Support: Exasol Action for "Comment Column" is missing
Database Profile: View The formatSQL="false" attribute setting needs to be supported for the DDL viewer
SQL Editor Find should use any selected text as text to find
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Oracle NOT NULL constraint is erroneously generated for IDENTITY columns
The SQL for the "Create Package" action is erroneous
Compiling package may render a lot of "Malformed OGNL expression" errors in the log
Wrong SQL generated when creating table with an IDENTITY NOT NULL column
DB Support: PostgreSQL Various issues in connection to Function and Procedure Editor for PostgreSQL
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DB Support: Yellowbrick
Many object names are sorted in ASCIIbetical order rather than alphanumeric
Data tab
Table Data Editor
The data type information displayed in the Data tab and result set grids is wrong if changing order of the columns in the grid
Database Profile: Actions Rare error when closing the object action dialog
Grid Component Selection is cleared when editing in grids
SQL Editor Creating a new SQL Commander doesn't put focus in editor
References Exception when showing Specified Tables and selected tables in reference graph
Table Data Editor While editing a cell having quick filter active, that edit may affect another cell if quick filter is cleared

10.0.17 - Released 2019-01-31

Area Details
Connection Setup Add support for SSH "config" file
DB Support: DB2 iSeries
SQL Commander
Using iSeries "library list" doesn't work properly
DB Support: Exasol Improvements in the Exasol database profile
DB Support: HPE Nonstop Improve the HPE NonStop SQL driver entry
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add support for stored procedures introduced in PostgreSQL 11
DB Support: SQL Server SQL Server profile needs to be adjusted for the limitations in Azure
Do not show "Linked Servers" for SQL Server - Azure edition
Grid Component Add key bindings to focus the "where" (Win/Linux: Alt Shift f, macOS: Cmd Ctrl f) and "quick filter" (Win/Linux: Alt Shift w, Cmd Ctrl w) fields
SQL Commander The format option is not applied for "now" variables
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Cell Viewer/Editor
Grid Component
OS Support: Windows
Saving a non binary object to file in the cell viewer/editor leaves the file open and held by DbVisualizer until exiting DbVisualizer
DB Support: PostgreSQL Generated "CREATE INDEX" DDL will be "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX" if index name contains the "unique" string
DB Support: Presto
Query Builder
SQL Commander
Presto: 1) A primary key error occurs when adding table to the query builder. 2) Columns are not displayed in the auto completion feature in the SQL editor
Export "Fixed Width Text" view(s) should consider line breaks in data
Grid Component An exception may occur while viewing Binary/BLOB data as "HEX"
Import Rare exception when importing Excel file
Java 11
OS Support: macOS
IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (0) cannot be <= 0
Look and Feel: Windows
Any line breaks in the SQL/Command column needs to be displayed as whitespace if "Width for Multiline Columns" <= 0
SQL Commander The timestamp displayed in the tooltip for a result set tab changes whenever tab tab is re-focused

10.0.16 - Released 2018-12-07

Area Details
App Logging New parameter -errordir <folder> for dbviscmd will output all error logs to that folder
Compare When hovering a grid name in the Compare window, it should show the same tooltip as when hovering the corresponding object view tab
DB Support: Exasol System column name change in Exasol 6.1.rc1 (PARTITION_KEY_ORDINAL_POSITION to COLUMN_PARTITION_KEY_ORDINAL_POSITION)
DB Support: HPE Nonstop Define drivers.xml entry and DatabaseType for HPE NonStop
DB Support: PostgreSQL Indicate Enabled and Disabled state for a Trigger
DB Support: SQL Server Add support for navigating objects on a Linked Server
Java 11 Support for Java 11
Procedure Editor Do not disable Undo in procedure editor after Save
SQL Commander Accept ${java.nnn}$ and ${env.nnn}$ type variables in the path for @cd and @run
SQL Log The settings for "Auto Resize Row Heights" and "Filter Log Entries" toggles in the SQL Log should be saved between sessions
Workspace Add a "Child Tab Group" action used to focus to any child tab groups
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Auto Completion Potential exception when connection has dropped
Connection Setup Improve error handling when pinging with a port number out of range
DB Support: Exasol Exasol - problem with Granted Object/Roles/System Privileges
DB Support: Oracle DDL commands increments the statement counter when Auto Commit is disabled
DB Support: Oracle
SQL Commander
Stopping 'create table' on Oracle DB stalls session
DB Support: PostgreSQL Exception when expanding Functions and Aggregates in PostgreSQL 11
DB Support: SQL Server
IDENTITY duplicated in DDL generated from a result set when using the jTDS driver
DDL Generator @ddl command fails for functions and procedures when the param list contains brackets
Data tab Stopping execution in the Data tab may leave the "In Progress" text on top of the grid
Database Objects Tree Having no selection, right-click and run "Select All Child Objects" in the Databases tab throws an NPE
Export Rare NullPointerException when exporting grid to SQL with Include Basic DDL enabled
Disable or enable options based on the setting for related options, so invalid combinations are prevented
Import When importing the check of file type (extension) should be case insensitive
SQL Commander Having ${time} in result set tab label, time changes whenever tab is painted
SQL Editor Auto Highlight stops working after using Replace All

10.0.15 - Released 2018-10-04

Area Details
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DDL Generator
Add support for CODEUNIT column length declaration in DDL
DB Support: SQLite Add Native DDL tab
SQL Editor Current text selection highlights in current document for the duration of selection
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup Potential exception when connecting multiple databases concurrently
A script running in one SQL Commander prevents disconnect of other databases
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DB Support: DB2 z/OS
Having auto-commit off and after executing some SQL, disconnect. The disconnect silently fails with an exception and leaves the connection connected in the DB server
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DB Support: H2
DB Support: Netezza
DB Support: NuoDB
DB Support: Oracle
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DB Support: SQLite
DB Support: Vertica
Explain Plan
Parameter markers in SQL during explain will fail with an error when execute
DB Support: SQL Server Opening Extended Properties tab for a table may show syntax error
Database Profile WARN: "Error auto detecting profile" due to exception
File Chooser Hidden attribute doesn't work on Windows directories
General ClassCastException: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig cannot be cast to sun.java2d.d3d.D3DGraphicsConfig
OS Support: Windows
java.lang.InternalError: HTHEME is null
Grid Component Exception when loading serialized Java object
Import Import large XLSX failed - Zip bomb detected (which is not)
Parameterized SQL Rare exception may occur in the variables prompting window
Query Builder Column dropdown menu in the Details tabs should not extend below the window
References Different sort order of tables in the Databases tab and the References->Select Tables to Graph table lists
SQL Editor Having SQL Editor Background color set to None results in an error when copying text
Character encoding problem when restarting DbVisualizer after force quit or system crash
SQL Log Potential ConcurrentModificationException in log during import
Table Data Editor Editing Date, Time, and Timestamp fields with only a partial input may result in a broken value

10.0.14 - Released 2018-08-16

Area Details
Object View
Allow the chart object view to be triggered on a drill-down request in a parent grid
Connection Setup
DB Support: Exasol
Support multi hostname/IP addresses in the Ping Server function
DB Support: Exasol
DB Support: Oracle
Extra delimiter in DDL when exporting function
DB Support: MySQL Upgrade the bundled MySQL JDBC driver to version 5.1.45
DB Support: PostgreSQL Show all possible values for ENUM types
Update bundled PostgreSQL JDBC driver to 42.2.2
DB Support: Vertica Upgrade the bundled Vertica JDBC driver to version 9.1.1
Export Add support for multi-file output for the JSON format
General Use separate icons for "duplicate" actions and Favorites
Object View Show database connection name in not yet loaded object view tabs title
Add ability to select and copy (ctrl+c, cmd+c) the object name from the object view tab header title
SQL Editor
Tool Properties
Make the Special Character color configurable
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Partition Keys are not shown in the DDL
Wrong DDL Creation when having tables twice in different schemas
DB Support: Exasol
Explain Plan
If the EXA_PARAMETER: PROFILE = ON prior to running explain plan it should not be set to OFF after explain is executed
DB Support: PostgreSQL Action Condition is not shown in Trigger DDL
The Object View Columns tab is empty for a Partitioned Table
DB Support: SQL Server
DDL Generator
Schema name must not be specified for an index in the DDL
Grid Component Column aliases not picked up in Copy Selection as HTML table
Import Import of XLSX containing negative elapsed times gives errors
Exception when importing data using fractions and timezone data
SQL Commander Regression: A DbVisualizer variable e.g. ${name||value||type}$ may loose the type setting for identically named variables but first
Table Data Editor Set to NULL functionality is broken and may insert the literal (null) rather than null

10.0.13 - Released 2018-06-11

Area Details
Create/Alter Table
DB Support: Exasol
Add support for Partition Key in the Create/Alter table dialog for Exasol
Add support for Distribution Key in the Create/Alter table dialog for Exasol
DB Support: DB2 LUW Show more Object View tabs for an alias
DB Support: Exasol Add explain plan support for Exasol
Add support for Identity columns for Exasol
DB Support: Exasol
Support export scripts in Export Schema dialog for Exasol
DB Support: Oracle Allow granting multiple privileges at the same time
Import Allow unreadable control characters to be stored as default column delimiter for import
Parameterized SQL
SQL Commander
The "Account:withdraw" or "(something):withdraw" should not be identified as parameter markers
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Chart Y-Axis is not rendered and chart is empty if all values in a single serie are null (even if there are other series with non null values in the chart)
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DB Support: DB2 z/OS
Schema and/or Table names may be displayed as (null) with DB2 and DB2 z/OS
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DDL Generator
Error when generating DDL for a Table with DB2 9.1 or older
DB Support: Oracle Exception when opening the Grant Privilege action dialog for a non-DBA account
Data tab DbVisualizer fails to start if erroneous unicode sequence is in the user settings files
Export If "Include Original SQL" in Excel exports, truncate it if larger than 32K since an error occurs otherwise
Import Exception when entering t in CSV Column delimiter during import setup
Excel with empty column leads to misaligned data
Batch import may not import all rows for Excel

10.0.12 - Released 2018-05-15

Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Add support for generating DDL for Exasol objects
DB Support: Oracle
Database Profile: Actions
Include both Users and Roles in the Grantee list for Grant Privilege
Grid Component Show a "In progress" overlay message in components while data is loading
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Generic
DDL Generator
Show a more user-friendly error message for the lack of View DDL with the Generic profile
DB Support: Netezza
DDL Generator
The VARARGS argument type is not included in the DDL
The ANY keyword for a generic size return value is not included in the DDL
The size for CHARACTER VARYING is missing in the RETURNS clause
Data tab
Table Data Editor
Using Data tab and the Script to SQL Commander right-click actions results in an exception if the data contains a BLOB/CLOB type
Grid Component Exception when hiding column(s) in grid Column Chooser
Copy Selection as HTML does not work with Windows Outlook and Word

10.0.11 - Released 2018-05-06

Area Details
Database Profile: View
Add a new chart object viewer (viewer="chart")
Object View
SQL Commander
Add right-click menu for Show as: Grid, Text, and Chart as these are now only available in the toolbar for the result set viewers
DB Support: Exasol Add reserved keywords for Exasol
DB Support: Redshift Show Distribution Key and Sort Keys for a table in the tree
Export Remove not used files produced by DbVisualizer in Java TEMP directory
Grid Component Add a "Copy Selection as HTML" (table) action for grids
Add a "Copy Selection as JIRA" (table) action for grids
Java 9 Due to Java 9 issues, downgrade to Java 8 as recommended and bundled Java version
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Choosing a schema in the Schema list for Exasol doesn't work
DB Support: Netezza
Procedure Editor
Running a procedure with an empty argument list prompts for one argument
DB Support: PostgreSQL Use $body$ for dollar-quoting a Function body instead of $dbvis$
DB Support: Redshift External Schemas should not be listed with regular Schemas
DISTKEY, SORTKEY and ENCODING missing in DDL for tables not in the default schema
DB Support: SQLite Error when generating DDL for a View
Import Importing CSV data but using for ex. NULL as Null Value String will properly convert to nulls. Problem is that any (null) strings in the data are also treated as nulls
OS Support: Linux Cannot launch a second DbVisualizer instance on Linux
Table Data Editor Rare ClassCastException when pasting in the grid

10.0.10 - Released 2018-04-06

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup Connection Keep-Alive may fail with multicore hardware
Database Profile: Actions "Attempt to mutate in notification" error when editing in some actions fields
Table Data Editor Paste in an editable grid doesn't work

10.0.9 - Released 2018-04-04

New Features
Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Add database profile for EXASOL
Area Details
Contact Support Should be possible to attach files in Help->Contact Support
DB Support: Exasol Bundle JDBC driver for Exasol
DB Support: Oracle Exclude Hidden Columns in DDL export
DB Support: Vertica Improvements for Vertica
Grid Component Should be possible to force showing the XML viewer (Cell Viewer/Editor) even if there is no proper XML header
Parameterized SQL Allow setting a named parameter marker as "Literal"
Parameterized SQL
SQL Commander
The "Account:withdraw" syntax should not be identified as a parameter marker
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup Keep-Alive may fail after network issues and reconnect does not restart it
DB Support: Oracle Exception when expanding the Columns node for a view based on a table with an IDENTITY column
DB Support: PostgreSQL Partition owner is incorrectly used as the database name in the partition DDL for PostgreSQL 10
Export The CLOBFormat and BLOBFormat option values are case-sensitive
General Potential race condition error when a background task ends
Import An exception may occur when importing Timestamp data
Import of Excel file with erroneous data gives NullPointerException
Java 9
Key Bindings
OS Support: macOS
SQL Commander
Using key binding to activate a toggle main menu action doesn't work properly with Java 9 on macOS (ex Expand/Restore Editor Area/Result Set Area)
Parameterized SQL Error when using named parameter marker with delimiters
Tool Properties Writing "invisible" characters in XML settings files are not handled properly
If an exception occurs at exit during save of user setting XML files, DbVisualizer main window is closed but the process is still active

10.0.8 - Released 2018-02-27

Area Details
Create/Alter Table
DB Support: SQLite
Add support for column collation rule
DB Support: Redshift Add basic support for External Schema objects
Database Profile: Actions
Show affected database object in the action window, import and export windows title
Java 9
OS Support: Linux
OS Support: Windows
OS Support: macOS
Support for Java 9
Look and Feel: Darcula
Query Builder
Darcula Theme Query Builder Window Borders Too Small
SQL Editor Change the cursor to be more visible when having a dark background color in editor
Change Copy in an SQL Commander to copy the styled text (RTF)
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Create/Alter Table
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DDL Generator
Table owner is incorrectly used as the database name in Alter Table and DDL for PostgreSQL 10
DB Support: Oracle TNS alias entries may be missing from a tnsnames.ora file with mismatched parentheses
Graphical "explain plan" using DBMS_XPLAN fails if cardinality is to high
DB Support: Oracle
OS Support: Windows
When DbVisualizer looks up Oracle TNS environment variables, it needs to consider case insensitivity
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DDL Generator
Error when generating DDL for table with mixed-case identifiers in PostgreSQL 10
DB Support: SQLite
DDL Generator
Exception when opening Alter Table or DDL tab for a table with an FK declaration with implied target column
Export Export table changing "Qualify Name" ( schema ) does not change create index statements
OS Support: Windows
After export of database objects, the DbVisualizer window is moved to front on the desktop
OS Support: Linux Cannot run program "dbvis-multi.exe": error=2, No such file or directory
SQL Commander Parameter markers in a comment are substituted to "?" when executing resulting in driver errors during bind
Table Data Editor Having a FOREIGN KEY defined as DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED will postpone constraint errors until commit() in the Table Data Editor

10.0.7 - Released 2018-01-27

New Features
Area Details
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add more support for partitioned tables for PostgreSQL 10
Area Details
DB Support: Netezza Include table/column comments in DDL at export
DB Support: Oracle Add "Script Sequence" action for sequence objects
Improve WHERE clause for query getting Synonyms
Database Objects Tree The script dialog should allow the Qualify Names setting when Scripting Type = Object Name
Database Objects Tree
SQL Commander
When dragging an object from the Databases tab to SQL editor it should be possible to get it qualified and with the identifier delimited
Import Add checkbox to enable JDBC Batch inserts in the import table data feature (this was a non documented control previously)
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd) Running dbviscmd with Java 9 fails if current folder is not DBVIS-HOME
DB Support: MySQL StackOverflowException when running batch import and the last batch entry contains incompatible data
DB Support: MySQL
SQL Commander
Database list is reset after execution for database names longer than 34 characters
DB Support: NuoDB Correct the list of data types listed in the Create Table action to match NuoDB documentation
DB Support: Redshift Query to get schema info may be very slow
Data tab An error is displayed if Max Filters Limit < 0 in Tool Properties->Table Data
Database Objects Tree Potential NullPointerException when expanding Databases tree
Export Exception during export with invalid filename
Stopping while Export Grid is running and then immediately starting another export may result in an exception
Pre-defined variables in export need to adjust to use the variable identifier begin/end from tool properties
Grid Component The background color in grids should fill to the full width
Import Import of boolean data broken since 10.0.1
Disabling the Empty Table choice has no effect when importing from a second source
Java 8
OS Support: Windows
Need a workaround for the "IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location" bug introduced in Java 1.8.0_131 on Windows
OS Support: Linux DbVisualizer doesn't start with headless Java 8 resulting in "No splashscreen in java.library.path"

10.0.6 - Released 2017-12-18

Area Details
DB Support: Oracle Add support for IDENTITY and Virtual columns when generating DDL
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Oracle Actions using resultaction="mergeasscript/mergeastext" such as Clone User in Oracle are broken since 10.0.3
Export Exporting more than 1,048,576 rows to XLSX gives a cryptic error that should be transformed into something more useful
Query Builder Exception when selecting Aggregate or Group By in the Columns tab

10.0.5 - Released 2017-12-10

Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Add database type and driver entry for Exasol
Export Apply a Style matching the data format specified in DbVisualizer for numeric data
Grid Component Add quick link to the Data Formats setup in Tool Properties also for BLOB and CLOB in the grids status bar
SQL Commander Should be possible to disable error markers in the SQL Commander editor
SQL Editor Add means to add custom keywords for syntax highlighting
Add key bindings (alt-shift-up, alt-shift-down) to move selected rows up or down
Add a Duplicate Current Line editor action with option to set keybinding (is not assigned by default)
SQL Log Make it possible set the default column width for Message and SQL/Command multiline columns in the SQL Log
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Create/Alter Table Potential exception when removing constraint in the Create/Alter Table window
DB Support: Vertica
SQL Commander
A variable in a comment may cause an execution error
Database Profile: Actions
Script Table and Export with INSERT should optionally not generate values for auto-generated columns
Export Exception during export if some database objects could not be fetched and are indicated with an error icon
Automatically setting file format from extension fails for XLSX
The Export Columns grid in Export Grid sometimes fits the columns poorly
Look and Feel: Windows
Specifying an invalid drive letter for the destination file gives an exception
Look and Feel: Synthetica
OS Support: Linux
DbVisualizer may crash on Linux with the Synthetica look and feel
Look and Feel: Windows
SQL Commander
Execute Current and Format Current may pick an earlier statement if the file contains both LF and CRLF linefeeds, and Format Current may drop the statement delimiter if the file contains CRLF linefeeds
OS Support: macOS Java VM Properties cannot be edited in Tool Properties

10.0.4 - Released 2017-11-16

Area Details
DB Support: Redshift Add a Vacuum Table action
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd)
OS Support: Linux
OS Support: macOS
The command line interface is broken in 10.0.3 for macOS/Linux
Data tab Exception when saving in Data grid while having a quick filter in the row form window
Grid Component Cells are editable in read-only form grids
Import Importing Excel files that starts with empty rows may lead to unexpected data being imported
SQL Commander SQL block identifier does not work for @run when the end delimiter is not followed by a newline

10.0.3 - Released 2017-11-10

Area Details
DB Support: PostgreSQL XML type not supported in the create table wizard
Data tab Setting "Max Rows at First Display" or any of the "Max Rows" to 0, should not load any rows
Export Exporting with "Export Text" disabled should preserve data types not only for numbers but also date, time and timestamp when output is Excel
Installation/Update Installation Install4j should remember the last used download folder during updates
Installer should request higher privileges when trying to install in a non-writable folder
Query Builder Make it possible using keyboard to copy grid cells in the query builder
SQL Commander The @cd command should set the default directory also for @export output files
SQL Commander
The STARTED log entry should show information about used database connection, database type, database, and schema
SQL Formatter Format only selected text and reselect the formatted text
Table Data Editor The cell editor should allow dropping images, XML, and other file formats we have viewers for
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Nothing happens (no visual feedback) when executing against a PostgreSQL database that cannot be connected
DB Support: Informix
DDL Generator
Incorrect DDL for columns declared as NVARCHAR(m, r)
DB Support: MySQL
DDL Generator
Add additional options for Create View (ALGORITHM, DEFINER, SQL SECURITY) and Create Table (DEFAULT COLLATE)
DB Support: MySQL
Having auto commit off and doing an export database, the commit/rollback warning window is displayed at quit of DbVisualizer
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add support for IDENTITY columns for PostgreSQL 10
The Object View for a Sequence does not work for PostgreSQL 10
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Procedure Editor
Auto Commit is hardcoded for the Procedure Editor
DB Support: SQL Server
OS Support: macOS
Renaming a Stored Procedure causes the application to hang
Database Objects Tree Intermittent error may happen when browsing databases tree
Refresh Objects Tree sometimes does not re-expand open expanded nodes
Export Obsolete parameters in saved settings make Export Schema/Database/Table fail
Setting Max Rows larger than the number of rows in the exported result set gives an exception
Terribly slow exporting many result sets of various sizes to xlsx
SQL Commander
When using @ddl in an @export script the Rows column in the SQL Log is always 0 while when executing only the @ddl Rows is positive
File Chooser
Look and Feel: Synthetica
When opening a File Chooser the first time with Synthetica, the selected file is correct but that file is also in edit mode in the list
Java 8
OS Support: macOS
Databases tab list and grids scrolls one row when right-click to show menu (fixed in Java 1.8.0_152)
Java 9
SQL Commander
IndexOutOfBoundsException when re-opening a BLOB in the cell viewer on Java 9
Key Bindings
OS Support: macOS
There is no active key map resulting in exceptions when editing
OS Support: Windows
Tab characters in the SQL are stripped off (not even replaced with whitespace) in the SQL log on Windows
Procedure Editor The connection used to execute a code object should be disconnected when the Code Editor is closed
SQL Commander Should not be possible to disconnect if there are running (executing) SQL Commander for the database connection
Floating an SQL Commander in an own window results in key bindings for Save (ctrl+c) and Save As (shift+ctrl+s) not work
SQL Formatter Formatting with unquoted variables fails when the Case option is set to Whole SQL Lowercase or Uppercase
Scripts Changing connection settings for a bookmark/monitor when save file, doesn't show the new settings in the Scripts tab details pane for the file (unless reload)

10.0.2 - Released 2017-10-13

Area Details
Database Profile: Actions
DB Support: Vertica
Add a Purge Table action for a table in Vertica
Grid Component
Add a "Open as Spreadsheet" in grids
Favorites Add shortcuts for Select Target Object in the Favorites toolbar (Alt+click) and the Favorites tab (Alt+double-click)
General Allow scaling UI more than 200%
SQL Commander Add a "Select Target Script File" in the SQL editor status bar filename right-click menu. Used to highlight any corresponding script file in the Scripts tab
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup ConcurrentModificationException when running "Connect and execute"
Connection Setup
DB Support: Informix
When connecting to Informix "SQLWarning: Database Selected" is displayed at the top of the Connection Message
Database Objects Tree Dragging a table from the Databases tab to the query builder doesn't work if Autoscroll TO Object View tab is enabled
With "Autoscroll TO Object View Tab" enabled, do not autoscroll if right-click an object or when double-click set to Expand/Collapse Child Objects
A java.util.ConcurrentModificationException may occur while loading database objects tree if there are a lot of objects
Export Exporting time and date data is not thread safe
Grid Component Wrong datetime for dates before 1893-04-02
If having a very large grid, select all cells and then reload, the reload takes long time to complete
Grid Component
OS Support: macOS
Paste a multiline selection from Excel to a DbVisualizer grid only paste the first row
Import Potential exception when importing XLSX
Installation/Update Installation
OS Support: macOS
The macOS menubar is not displayed when the Preferred OS Language is not English
Performance/Stability The OutOfMemory dialog is not as responsive as it should
Procedure Editor Closing Procedure Editor while compiling shows the "confirm close" dialog twice if clicking Keep Tab
SQL Commander Improve meaning of "Confirm unsaved SQL Commanders"
Potential NPE if closing the Procedure Editor while compiling
@delimiter command is not detected if preceded by a line comment
SQL Editor Triple-click in editor loses some of the selection if extending selection with shift-down
Tool Properties Formatting does not work for patterns following the millis pattern .SSS

10.0.1 - Released 2017-09-25

Area Details
Database Objects Tree
Filtering/Filter Sets
Disabled Filtering state should be restored when restarting DbVisualizer
Look and Feel: macOS
DbVisualizer runs Java in discrete graphics mode on macOS potentially draining the battery on laptops
SQL Log Need to make the summary of success/failed entries for the FINISHED summary log entry in the Message column more readable
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Auto Completion Potential NullPointerException when a connection drops
Create/Alter Table
DB Support: Oracle
Altering Oracle Spatial Table adds an ALTER statement an unaltered SDO_GEOMETRY column
DB Support: Netezza DOUBLE should not have precision and scale in DDL
DB Support: NuoDB A statement in NuoDB that returns both an update count and a result set wont show the result set
DB Support: PostgreSQL ENUM values cannot be updated in grid
DB Support: Vertica Upgrade the Vertica JDBC driver to 7.2.3
Database Objects Tree Rare exception double-clicking in the objects tree
Database Objects Tree
Database Profile: View
Focus changes when Autoscroll is set
Database Search In the database Search tab grid, selecting a match in the lower grid and then "Select object(s) in the Database tab" action nothing happens
Export Exporting time and date data is not thread safe
Row count is not in the HTML grid export since 10.0
Export/Import User Settings ConcurrentModificationException when importing user settings
File Chooser Closing file chooser dialog with ESC key or the red cross button may result in an error
OS Support: macOS
Cancelling quit of DbVisualizer (in Confirm Exit dialog) using cmd-q will result in a no-op if doing cmd-q again
Grid Component Having CLOBs presented by "Value" still shows as "Size" in the row form grid
Grid Component
Look and Feel: Darcula
Missing separator in grid column header for last column with Darcula
Import Conversion error when importing with comma (,) character as decimal separator
The data formats settings in Tool Properties may effect import if the import data format settings are different than those specified in import
Key Bindings Ctrl-Alt-R is mapped to both Record Macro and Rollback
Look and Feel: Darcula
Look and Feel: Windows
OS Support: Windows
Toggle state for buttons in menus and toolbars doesn't show well on Windows with the Darcula and Windows look and feels
OS Support: Linux StackOverflow: java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.componentMoved
SQL Commander Running SQL files with relative paths does not work
NullPointerException in ExecutorHandler when creating index
Stop on no rows only considers first result if many are produced
Add "Integer" to the list of data types in the variable/parameter substitution dialog
Multiple result sets generated as cursors by a stored procedure shows only the first results in all result sets
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in ScriptExecutor when calling procedure
SQL Editor NullPointerException when handling LogEntry for error in SQLEditor
SQL Log Not logging Success and/or Failed entries will if more than 10000 statements say that the log is truncated when it is not
Tool Properties Restarting DbVisualizer doesn't show the same prompt dialogs as when doing a regular quit

10.0 - Released 2017-08-22

Area Details
Command Line Support (dbviscmd) The command-line interface should allow connecting to a database not previously setup in the DbVisualizer GUI
Connection Setup Should be possible to set a default value for a driver property in drivers.xml
DbVisualizer should register its application name ("dbvis") with the database so that any DB server process listing clearly tell what connections belong to DbVisualizer
The missing DB2 license jar file message at connect should be transformed to DbVisualizer instruction how to fix it
Remove Authentication Method dropdown and always include the Authentication Domain field in Options
Combine "Keep-Alive SQL" and "Validation SQL" into a single setting: "Validation SQL"
DB Support: Generic Auto detect Database Type for Sybase IQ and Sybase SQL Anywhere (the corresponding JDBC driver must be selected)
DB Support: MySQL Suppress Identical warnings when executing scripts
DB Support: Oracle Allow resetting password for Oracle connections
Password due for expiration warning should be displayed when connecting to Oracle
DB Support: PostgreSQL Set the ApplicationName driver property to "dbvis"
Show partition tables for PostgreSQL 10
Database Objects Tree Allow double-click to expand database objects tree (and connect of database connections)
Add tooltip with explanation what overlay icons in the Databases tree list means
Database Objects Tree
Filtering/Filter Sets
Show number of non filtered objects instead of number of filtered objects
Driver Manager Upgrade bundled JDBC drivers
Remove the System Classpath tab in the Driver Manager and log when loading JDBC drivers classes from the CLASSPATH instead of the JAR files
Export Allow outputting large data exports to different files (out1, out2, out3)
Allow adding custom statements first/last in file produced by schema export
Optionally include column names in CSV only for first result or for all
Add option to not convert HTML special characters to HTML codes when exporting to HTML
Optionally include the Table name in HTML export
Make it possible to select all objects for Export Schema with one click
Allow for Date/Time/Timestamp data to be exported with JDBC escape syntax
Make it possible to assign the names for BLOB/CLOB files, e.g. based on the value of other columns on the same row
Possibility to set ExcelSheetName in export wizard
Should be possible to organize the output of schema export so that all DROP, CREATE and INSERTs are grouped
Use a separate File Chooser context for BLOB/CLOB files
Add the following parameters for @export set: HtmlColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias, JSONColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias, XmlColumnHeaderIsColumnAlias
Should be possible to limit number of rows with a new "Max Number of Rows" setting in Export Schema and Export Table
Add possibility to use ${dbvis-column-name}$ in BLOB/CLOB output paths to handle multiple columns of these types
File Chooser File choosers should suggest last visited path based on context instead of sharing a single folder for all file choosers
Add recently used files/folders list in file selection field and file chooser window
Enable file system auto completion in file selection field
File chooser windows should have a drop-down list of last visited directories which is used to quickly navigate to a directory
File Chooser
SQL Commander
The Log to File button should have a drop down with last used files
General Replace spinning red icon with a static one. Reason is that the animated GIF stops spinning suddenly and is too pixly and looks bad on HiDPI displays
Adjustments to large counters introduced JDBC 4.2
Grid Component The "Describe Data" window should allow generating a CREATE TABLE DDL action
Installation/Update Installation Remove the "-XX:MaxPermSize" Java property as it is deprecated with Java 8
Remove the "-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,javax/swing/text/GlyphView,getBreakSpot" Java property
Key Bindings Adding a keybinding for Merge Result Sets
Look and Feel Allow changing look and feel at startup
Look and Feel: Darcula Add support for the Darcula (dark) look and feel
OS Support: macOS Change all visual references of 'Mac OS X' to 'macOS'
SQL Commander Add new ${editorindex} to be used in Result Set tab labels
Add an option to name SQL Commander tabs as index only if there is no loaded file name
Consistency between Elapsed Time and Execution/Fetch time
Make filename in SQL editor status bar clickable with options to Copy Path and Open Parent Folder
Use setSchema() to set schema for execution to the selected schema
"@export set" commands are order dependant
Add a way to be able to use Java VM system properties and OS environment variables in DbVisualizer variables
Move the preprocessing settings (Parameterized SQL, Strip Comments, etc.) as connection properties
Add support to automatically merge generated result sets to text
SQL Commander
Improve the capability for writing the execution log to a file (@spool is now replaced with new "@log <filename> spool / clear"
SQL History Increase the width of the quick filter field in the SQL History grid
SQL Log Remove "Log to File" option in the SQL Commander and instead instruct users to save log after execution or using new @log commands
Make the log in the SQL Commander more interactive
SQL Log tab entries for @ commands could show more information for the command
Should be possible to configure the time format for SQL log entries
Table Data Editor Should be possible to copy (Ctrl+C, Cmd+C) the rows displayed in the XML viewer to clipboard
Tool Properties Change the "Rest of UI" font setting to "Font Scale for Rest of UI"
Workspace Make split pane dividers visible and visually resize content while dragged
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Auto Completion Auto completion shows faulty values when activated for command parameter in client side command
Auto Completion
Query Builder
The query builder is unable to find a newly created table if it is referenced in the SQL being parsed
Connection Setup
DB Support: PostgreSQL
The new PostgreSQL driver writes a SEVERE log entry when connection fails resulting in the DbVisualizer red error balloon to popup
DB Support: DB2 LUW
Table Data Editor
Handle XML data types as CLOB/BLOB with the option to show these as a puzzle piece icon in grids and XML viewing in cell editor
DB Support: Oracle The Synonymed Objects view should not include synonyms owned by the selected schema
Synonyms with unknown type are not shown in the tree
DB Support: SQL Server
SQL Commander
Created schema not visible in SQL commander drop down
DB Support: Sybase ASE
Table Data Editor
Having two identically named tables in two different databases, any edits made in both tables shows up only in one of them
Database Objects Tree Quitting DbVisualizer while objects filters are disabled, will only restore the filters at second re-start
Database Objects Tree
Re-introduce the "single-click to open" database object and to sync the database objects tree with the current object view tab
Export @export of two result sets in CSV to the same file will append the second result sets first line to the last line of the first result set
Export of multiple results to HTML with AppendFile set to false creates a document that is missing the header
Exec time is the same for all log entries during Export Schema/Database
Export HTML from table with no data generates HTML with one line
Export to JSON Array with AppendFile set to clear creates one array per table
Any non absolute BLOB/CLOB File paths should be relative to the exported file
Cannot export View data with Export Schema
Export/Import User Settings The export/import user settings window is too high
Horizontal scrollbar in Scripts and Favorites tabs is not updated properly
Filtering/Filter Sets Database tree filter is not applied when loading saved Object View tab or when opening a favorite on a non connected database connection
Grid Component
OS Support: Linux
Using a trackpad or mouse wheel to scroll horizontally will launch any double-click action in grids and tree's
Look and Feel: Synthetica
OS Support: Windows
Query Builder
White background for Conditions under some circumstances
Look and Feel: macOS
OS Support: macOS
The "All Files" filter can not be selected when opening files with macOS L&F
Look and Feel
The close icon (X) color must use the same color as the tab title text
Procedure Editor Exception when clicking Execute when the object cannot be loaded
Query Builder Quick Add should not be enabled without a connection, and the other buttons should not be enabled without tables
SQL Commander @set maxchars does not seem to affect the size of the DataSet fetched
Any errors in a @run script are added to the @run marker tooltip equally number of times as there are errors
While SQL Commander is in the "Parsing Script" or "Looking for variables, parameter markers..." phases stopping takes a long time
Error markers are visible only when these are available by the driver/database. There should be markers for all failed statements
@ddl table does not fail for some databases if table does not exist
SQL Commander
Executing a script with a comment last (after a statement delimiter) gives a SQL Log entry for it
SQL Editor Entering "(<tab>" in the SQL editor shows the templates popup for © and (™). Change "(c)" to ".(c)" and "(tm)" to ".(tm)"
Right-arrow does not clear selection when the whole text is selected
When hitting enter at the end of a row with data and then up arrow, the caret is placed at the end of the row above and not in position 0
Running a @run with a lot of errors, all these are displayed when hovering the curly line or the error marker in the margin of the editor
SQL Log Having a @spool command without actually logging to a file sends the command to the database. @spool also replaced with @log
The SQL in the log for a @call statement shows the variable values after execution rather than the values from when the call was made
Tool Properties Issue specifying -Ddbvis.prefsdir=<folder> in user.vmoptions (Tool Properties->General)

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