Release Notes 14.0

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14.0.4 - Released 2023-03-16

Area Details
DB Support: Greenplum
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DB Support: Redshift
Simplify CREATE VIEW with complex FROM clauses by avoiding unnecessary parentheses
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup Long database URL overlaps with connection timer in the Connection tab
Improve filtering in the new connection popup
"Connect All" may fail when there are broken connections and master password is enabled
Create/Alter Table Alter Table displays wrong referenced table for foreign key constraints when the referenced table is in a different schema
DB Support: PostgreSQL Alter table shows SQL in the SQL Preview even if nothing has been changed
DB Support: Snowflake Slow query execution due to incorrect implementation of metadata queries in the database driver
DB Support: Snowflake
SQL Commander
Schema drop-down doesn't reflect the last executed 'use schema xxx'
Database Profile: Actions Action dialog is placed in top left screen corner rather than center of the parent window
Driver Manager Connections may lose driver reference when migrating
Export Export of tables with multiple computed columns fails
SQL Commander
@export may generate wrong SQL when executing select from a qualified table
Export/Import User Settings Improve feedback when importing user settings from an newer version of DbVisualizer
Export/Import Settings dialog is truncated on smaller screens
Favorites Exception when dragging a database connections folder into the Favorites tab
Installation/Update Installation
OS Support: macOS
Shell scripts for starting DbVisualizer are not executable in 14.0.3
Monitor If the monitor is running in auto-load mode and the connection is lost, the monitor is never reloaded despite clicking connect in the error message
OS Support: Windows Executing resolveJRE.bat twice in the same command prompt fails
Object View Selecting a folder in the connection tree may cause an exception when autoscroll to object view is enabled
Performance/Stability Handle "memory pool not found" exception gracefully when running out of memory
SQL Editor Remove duplicate items from the context menu in SQL Commander
Can't change type of variable to literal after use

14.0.3 - Released 2023-01-02

Area Details
DB Support: Cassandra
DDL Generator
Extend DDL generation to support table options in Cassandra
DB Support: Exasol Add support for virtual schema and clusters in Exasol
DB Support: MariaDB
DB Support: MySQL
Added support for sub-millisecond precision in TIME columns in MySQL and MariaDB
DB Support: Microsoft Access Add "Export Tables" and "Export Views" actions for Microsoft Access
Driver Manager Require a restart after updating a driver that contains a dynamic library
Installation/Update Installation
OS Support: Windows
Theme: FlatLaf
Deliver FlatLaf dll files separately to avoid security issues on Windows
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Compare Fix sync and multiline replace in the text comparison dialog
Connection Setup Do not ask for master password upon reconnect if there is at least one open connection
DB Support: Cassandra Potential error when generating DDL for old Cassandra versions
DB Support: Greenplum
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DDL Generator
Index name in CREATE INDEX should not contain schema
DB Support: MariaDB
DB Support: MySQL
Backticks can be used as delimiters in the DEFINER clause of CREATE TRIGGER
DB Support: MariaDB
DB Support: MySQL
Table name in CREATE TRIGGER statements should not include schema
DB Support: SQL Server Current database's SQL formatter should be used in scripting actions
DB Support: SQLite
DDL Generator
Improve handling of foreign key constraints in CREATE TABLE for SQLite
Data tab Exception while visiting the Data tab when disconnected
Export @export should generate CREATE and SELECT statements also for empty result sets when the corresponding flags are set
There should be no statement separators in generated code after SQL blocks (e.g. CREATE FUNCTION blocks)
Exclude computed columns from insert statements when exporting tables in SQL Server
SSH Create .ssh/known_hosts automatically if it doesn't exist

14.0.2 - Released 2022-11-23

Area Details
DB Support: H2 Add a driver entry for H2, version 2.0
DB Support: Oracle Add support for WITH statements in the Oracle dialect
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup Requested to reconnect when showing the auto completion popup
Connection Setup
Driver Manager
Having a custom driver with an empty "URL Format" disables the "Settings Format" field with the value "Server Info" rather than "Database URL"
Create/Alter Table Error when opening the Alter Table dialog and connection is closed
Create/Alter Table
DB Support: MySQL
Problem with create/alter table having broken views in the same database
DB Support: Netezza
Driver Manager
Netezza driver jar file is not migrated properly
DB Support: Oracle Rare error when processing results from "dbms_output.put_line()" in Oracle
DB Support: PostgreSQL Alter Table broken for PostgreSQL 15
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DDL Generator
The generated DDL for CREATE INDEX may be wrong
DB Support: SingleStore Create Function issue in SingleStore
The generated DDL for a table in SingleStore results in errors when executed
DB Support: Snowflake When connecting to Snowflake an error may occur if "Database Name" is not set in the connection tab
DB Support: Vertica Generate DDL does not work for function in Vertica
Data tab Rare error when closing a Object View while the Data tab is being loaded
Grid Component
Key Bindings
OS Support: Windows
Change key binding for export to grid to Alt+Ctrl+Shift+E
Import The "Null Value Text" setting in import is not always respected
OS Support: Windows The "Slow Drives Detected" dialog should be displayed less frequently
SQL Commander Exception when expanding a @run log entry while executing
SSH SSH "Test Connection" may result in an error
SSH credentials may be prompted even with "Settings Format = Database URL"

14.0.1 - Released 2022-10-14

Area Details
Create/Alter Table Add the ability to edit check constraints in a new window
DB Support: MariaDB
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Update the PostgreSQL and MariaDB driver versions due to vulnerability
DB Support: Oracle The state of auto clear log in the DBMS output tab should be kept between sessions
File Chooser
OS Support: Windows
Alert the user if the Windows file system holds any disconnected drives that may affect the application (file chooser) performance
SQL Log The SQL log filtering whether to show success/error entries needs to be available as a button in the toolbar
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
App Logging Exception when trying to tail log files on network drive
DB Support: Google BigQuery No dataset in BigQuery profile for AuthType=2
DB Support: MariaDB
The references graph shows multiple arcs between tables in MariaDB
DB Support: Oracle DBMS OUTPUT tab is cleared between every statement having automatically clear checked (should clear only once per script)
DB Support: PostgreSQL Error: Could not find array type for data type information_schema.character_data
DB Support: SQL Server The PERSISTED keyword is not highlighted
Data tab Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT doesn't consider reordering columns in the grid
Database Objects Tree Having "Autoscroll FROM Object View tab" enabled should not automatically connect an object view tab showing a disconnected database connection when selected
Database Profile: Actions
DB Support: SQL Server
Script Table should not output PERSISTED columns in the generated SQLs if "Include Auto-Generated Values" is off
Export @export is broken if an @export set parameter have whitespaces between "=" and the value
File Chooser
OS Support: Windows
File -> Open Recent lags when list holds files on disconnected Windows drives
SSH Error opening SSH configurator
Open rename SSH config dialog gives an exception if there is no SSH configuration selected
Prompting of MFA/2FA challenge codes when using SSH doesn't work

14.0 - Released 2022-09-20

New Features
Area Details
Connection Setup
Support to share a SSH configuration for multiple database connections
DB Support: Cassandra Add support for Cassandra
DB Support: Google BigQuery Add support for Google BigQuery
DB Support: Microsoft Access Add support for Microsoft Access
DB Support: SingleStore Add support for SingleStore
Area Details
@import Add the format="xxx" argument for @import
Connection Setup Automatically reconnect when connection is lost
Connection Setup
SSH tunnels can now be used in DbVisualizer Free
DB Support: Azure SQL Add support to view, create, drop, and change password for users
DB Support: Azure SQL
DB Support: SQL Server
Introduce a "constraints" sub node to show primary, foreign keys, and referenced tables
DB Support: Greenplum
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DB Support: Redshift
DB Support: SQL Server
DB Support: Yellowbrick
Add support for killing sessions
DB Support: H2 Add support for H2 version 2.x
DB Support: PostgreSQL Support generating comment statements for triggers
Add support for generated columns in PostgreSQL Create/Alter
DB Support: SQL Server Add support for create, modify, and drop of users and logins
Data tab Having a where filter in the Data tab should show a different icon
Driver Manager Used By column in the driver manager should when clicked show a list of database connections
Add "Reset Driver" command in driver manager
Export Restrict formatting of numbers for SQL exports
Support exporting in TXT also for @export, Export Table and Export Schema
File Chooser
OS Support: Windows
The choice of "list" or "details" in file choosers should be preserved between DbVisualizer sessions
Filtering/Filter Sets Make it possible for table filters to be removed after a certain time
General Make progress windows larger
Change icon for "duplicate" (yellow start) to the standard "copy" icon
Add icon to external web links to highlight that a browser will be opened
Grid Component Add option to show images in binary type columns in grid
Add "Extract Filter & Sort as SELECT" action in Data tab. Used to copy the SELECT statement in Data tab including any grid column filters and sorting
Import When Batch Import, commit at every executed batch
Make it easy setting data type for the multiple columns during import to new table
Make "Batch Import" default
Java 17 Bundle Java 17 with installers
Support the ed25519 algorithm for SSH
OS Support: Windows Remove support for Windows 32-bit
OS Support: macOS The DbVisualizer window title bar background should follow General / Appearance setting in macOS System Preferences
SQL Commander Add "@command ignore/resume" to ignore/resume executing any client-side commands
Add the "@stop now" client-side command used to stop the execution of the script
SQL History Make "Search Full Script" default in SQL History
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Incorrect primary key order in table DDL
Mail Support Creating a mail server account in Tool Properties without Apply, and then Send Test mail results in an error
SSH If SSH connect doesn't succeed, pressing disconnect, and then connect again, nothing happens
Tilde sign ('~') doesn't translate to user's home folder for SSH config, known hosts, and private key files

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