Release Notes 5.0

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5.0 - Released 2006-04-03

New Features
Area Details
General Restructured the main window menu bar:
General Database menu now contains all operations that are used to control the database objects tree
General Edit menu contains edit operations for the current SQL Editor
General SQL contains all SQL related operations for the current SQL Editor
General View menu contains general appearance operations
General Key binding editor allowing full customization of all operations (including the SQL Editor. Several key bindings can be assigned to a single operation, each key binding can be composed of multiple key strokes. (Key binding now also appear in tool tips).
General Installer now supports Mac OS X on Intel
SQL Commander Restructered the SQL Commander appearance to make it less cluttered
SQL Commander SQL Editor tool bar added with related operations
SQL Commander New Properties pane for the SQL Commander is used to control editor and the appearance. These were earlier available in the SQL Commander status bar.
SQL Commander New right click menu on the SQL Commander tab
SQL Commander New right click menu on the Editor tab
SQL Commander New right click menu on the Editor desktop (windows mode)
SQL Commander New right click menu on the Result Set tab
SQL Commander New right click menu on the Result Set desktop (windows mode)
SQL Commander Log properties now moved to right click menu
SQL Commander Result sets are now presented/managed per SQL Editor instead of globally for all SQL Editors.
SQL Commander New editor commands:
  • Comment Line
  • Comment Block
  • Lower Case
  • Upper Case
  • Select Current Statement
SQL Commander Execute Buffer (sends the complete editor buffer for execution as one statement)
SQL Commander SQL Formatter including a collection of properties used to control the formatter)
Explain Plan Explain Plan support for Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server added)
Oracle Support for object actions:
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Copy, Comment, Truncate, Import Table Data, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • View - Drop, Rename, Compile, Comment, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Synonym - Create, Drop
  • Index - Create, Drop, Rename, Rebuild, Compute Statistics
  • Sequence - Create, Drop, Rename
  • Materialized View - Drop
  • Function - Create, Drop, Compile
  • Procedure - Create, Drop, Compile
  • Package - Create, Drop, Compile
  • Package Body - Create, Drop, Compile
  • Trigger - Drop, Rename, Enable, Disable, Compile
Oracle Recycle Bin (Oracle 10g and later)
Oracle Flashback to Before Drop, Purge from Recycle Bin
Oracle User
Oracle Create, Drop, Lock, Unlock, Change Password, Expire Password
Oracle Session
Oracle Kill Session
DB2 Support for object actions:
  • Schema- Create, Drop, Comment
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Comment, Import Table Data, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • View - Drop, Comment, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Alias - Create, Drop, Comment
  • Nickname - Drop, Comment, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Index - Create, Drop, Rename, Comment
  • Materialized Query Table - Drop, Comment, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Function - Drop
  • Stored Procedure - Drop
  • Package - Drop
  • Trigger - Drop, Comment
SQL Server Support for object actions:
  • Database - Rename
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Import Table Data, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • View - Drop, Rename, Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Index - Create, Drop, Rename, Rebuild
  • Stored Procedure - Drop, Rename
  • Trigger - Drop
Mimer SQL Database profile with extended support for Mimer SQL
MySQL Support for object actions:
  • Database - Create, Drop
  • Table - Create, Drop, Rename, Import Table Data, Create Index,
    Script Object to SQL Editor
  • Process - Kill Session
Area Details
General Added Connection Properties for Database Connection Hooks.
Use to specify commands that will be executed at database connect and disconnect (ex: session inits and database cleanups).
General Removed borders for some tabbed panes to make the GUI less cluttered
General All text fields now have a right click menu with common operations such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Select All
General Key bindings now listed in the right click menus
General Main tool bar commands for Execute, Execute Current, Previous History statement, Next History statement, Commit and Rollback moved to SQL Editor tool bar
General Main window header now shows the name of the file loaded in the active SQL editor. (Listing of settings XML file is removed from main window header and instead listed in the Tool Properties).
General Main Window and Monitor Window now preserve the window maximum state between invocations
General Load Recent added to File menu. It lists the last loaded SQL files. (The limit setting can be modified in Tool Properties->SQL Editor).
General Recommended file name extensions now listed in file choosers
General Now possible to set a database connection to be any of Development, Test or Production. Depending on mode some features will be rendered differently to caught the attention of the user
General Reconnect All added to Database main menu
General Size and position of Tool Properties dialog now preserved between invocations.
General Escape keyboard button can now be used to close all dialogs and windows that have no menu bar
General Using Ctrl-W in application windows other then the main window closes the window (was previously Ctrl-Q)
General Database Objects tree filtering feature re-designed.
General Object tree filter now accepts the "*" wildcard character in addition to "%"
General Support for drag & drop of nodes from the object tree to most input fields including the SQL Commander editor
General Added support for "choices=" option in variables allowing list of choices in parameterized queries and connection settings
Database Objects Right click menu now only lists those operations valid for the currently selected node
Database Objects Right click menu for table objects now contain Script Object to SQL Window
Database Objects New Selected Object in the Database main menu now lists the valid operations for the currently selected node
Database Objects The objects tree expansion state now preserved between reconnects
Database Objects Fixed Connection Properties->Driver Properties and the way "Use" worked. "Use" has also been renamed to "Edited".
Database Objects New connection property, Object Tree Labels.It is used to override how nodes will be named in the objects tree.
Data tab The Script: UPDATE WHERE now shows a dialog if the table have a primary key or at least one unique index asking whether the generated SQL should use the keys as the where clause or all selected values
Data tab Using IN operator in the Where Filter has changed. Text data is automatically quoted for the individual elements. Example: red,green,yellow -> 'red','green','yellow'
Data Editing Support to display TIFF and BMP image formats
Export Support for export in DbUnit XML formats
Export Support for export in Excel format
Import Skip Empty Rows now enabled by default
SQL Commander The log/result set is now automatically restored after execution if the editor was maximized (View->Show/Hide SQL Editor Ctrl-8)
SQL Commander File name of the active SQL Editor now listed in main window header
SQL Commander Variable dialog now executes when enter key is pressed in a field instead of adding a line break in the active field. (Use Shift-Enter to insert a line break).
SQL Commander Now possible to use $$ variables in files loaded with the @run client side command
SQL Commander The parameterization dialog now ignores variables with the noshow option
SQL Commander Number of Result Sets now listed in the Result Set tab header
SQL Commander Now possible to run anonymous SQL blocks in DbVisualizer Free
SQL Commander Now possible to run anonymous SQL blocks in DbVisualizer Free
Charts Show Point Labels setting added to chart settings. It will when enabled show X/Y value when hovering the mouse on a point in the chart
References Graph Enhanced graphing support with referenced columns being indicated in the graph
References Graph Manual layout adjustments can now auto reroute edges between nodes
References Graph Enhanced rendering performance
References Graph Find feature added, used to search and higlight table nodes
References Graph References graph settings now saved between sessions
References Graph New option Bridge Links. Useful when links cross each other
References Graph Arcs/Edges renamed to Links in the references graph
Bookmark Editor Added Execute Bookmark in the Bookmarks menu
Bookmark Editor Added Copy to SQL Commander added in Bookmark Editor.
Bookmark Editor Changed behavior of Execute Bookmark. It now copies the bookmark into the SQL Commander and then executes it
Grid Support to browse cell value based on value type
Grid XML (as text or document tree)
Grid HEX
Grid Formatting Output. Vänta... replaced with the more universal Formatting Output. Wait... πŸ˜‰
Grid Formatting Output. Vänta... replaced with the more universal Formatting Output. Wait... πŸ˜‰
Oracle New DBMS Output tab in the SQL Commander that replaces the DBMS output previously being presented in the Log tab.
Oracle "Dependencies" tab added to the object views
Oracle No need to execute "@set serveroutput on" in the same script as the dbms_output.put_line being executed anymore
Oracle Now possible to see Tablespace Quota for a user
Oracle Now possible to see what users have Tablespace Quota for a tablespace
Oracle Now possible to see Database Properties
Oracle Data Files now appear as child objects to tablespaces
Oracle List of tablespaces now show temp tablespaces + size
Oracle Tablespaces now appear as child objects to data files
Oracle Oracle 9.2 and later: DATE data type now handled and presented as Date in DbVisualizer. Former versions of Oracle handle DATE as TIMESTAMP
Oracle Oracle 10g: Recyle Bin tables now displayed in the Recycle Bin folder.
Oracle Columns now appear as child objects for tables in the database objects tree
Oracle Indexes now appear as child objects for tables in the database objects tree
Oracle Java Source and Java Class objects now listed in the objects tree
Oracle Roles tab now displayed when looking at a role in Oracle
Oracle Added Session Roles and Session Privileges to the Session Properties node in Oracle
Oracle New Database Connection property for Oracle: Handle DATE as TIMESTAMP
Oracle Selecting a Synonym in Oracle now show views (tabs) accordingly for the target object instead of only the generic Info tab
DB2 Summary Table is now Materialized Query Table
SQL Server Now with support for SQL Server 2005 + the new driver from Microsoft
MySQL Now possible to browse the source for Views (MySQL 5.0+)
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
General Choosing "Copy" right click menu choice for multiple row cells in a grid erroneously added the new line identifier before the first value
General Fixed installation problem
Database Objects Faster scrolling in the objects tree
Database Objects Great improvements expanding tree objects having thousands of childs
Database Objects Fixed a bug in the objects tree filter preventing multiple column filters to work
Database Objects Enhanced performance showing object view when selecting an object in the objects tree
SQL Commander Executing update x set y='4----' where xid=12345; resulted in everything behind the first 4 to appear as comment.
SQL Commander The following comment was terminated at the / which it shouldn't /* a b c d e/f
g h i j k
SQL Commander Quoted data is now in red color
SQL Commander Issuing @export and then executing a non result set statement resulted in an error being reported in the log even though the exec were fine
SQL Commander It wasn't possible to enter special characters requiring the ALT key combination on Mac OS X. Some examples of chars that couldn't be typed were: @#[]{}.
SQL Commander Enhanced performance during rendering of the Text result set tab
References Graph Nothing happened when pressing Reload while tables were presented in "List" format
Grid Grid column header size now adjusts its height based on current font
SQL Server Triggers are now properly displayed for SQL Server
Informix Fixed minor bug in the profile for Informix resulting in an error if passing DELIMIDENT=Y as a connection property

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