There are two ways to install DbVisualizer: using an Installer or extracting files from an archive file.
Installing with an Installer
To install DbVisualizer, just execute the Installer you have downloaded and follow the instructions in the screens.
Installation from an archive file
Installation Notes for ZIP archives (Windows)
All files are contained in an enclosing folder named DbVisualizer. Unpack the distribution file with the built-in zip archive extraction utility in Windows or with the winzip utility.
The ZIP archive installer will not add any entries to the Start menu, add desktop launchers or even register the software in the Windows registry.
Start DbVisualizer by clicking the dbvis.exe file in the installation directory for DbVisualizer.
To uninstall DbVisualizer installed via a ZIP archive, simply delete the complete DbVisualizer directory.
Installation Notes for TAR archives (Unix)
All files are contained in an enclosing folder named DbVisualizer. Unpack the distribution file with:
gunzip dbvis_unix_10_0.tar.gz
tar xf dbvis_unix_10_0.tar
Start DbVisualizer by executing the shell script in the installation directory, e.g. <em style="font-family: Arial , sans-serif;line-height: 1.4285715;">DbVisualizer/</em>.
To uninstall DbVisualizer installed via a TAR archive, simply delete the complete DbVisualizer directory.
Installation Notes for RPM archives (Linux)
Install the rpm with rpm -i <download_filename> or your favorite rpm tool.
Start DbVisualizer by executing the shell script in the installation directory, e.g. DbVisualizer/dbvis.
To uninstall DbVisualizer installed via an RPM archive, use the rpm utilities.
Installation Notes for DEB archives (Linux)
Install the package with sudo dpkg -i <download_filename>.deb or your favorite Debian package manager tool.
Start DbVisualizer by executing the shell script in the installation directory, e.g. DbVisualizer/dbvis.
To uninstall DbVisualizer installed via an DEB archive, use dpkg --remove.
Silent Install
In order to start a silent installation, the installer has to be invoked with the -q argument. The installer will perform the installation as if the user had accepted all default settings.
There is no user interaction on the terminal. The installer will install the application to the default installation directory, unless you pass the -dir parameter to the installer. The parameter after -dir must be the desired installation directory. Example:
dbvis_windows-x64_10_0_jre.exe -q -dir "d:\myapps\DbVisualizer"
The output of the installer is not printed to the command line for silent installation. If you pass the -console parameter after the -q parameter, a console will be allocated that displays the output to the user. This is useful for debugging purposes.
If the installation was successful, the exit code of the installer will be 0, if no suitable JRE could be found it will be 83, for other types of failure it will be 1.
For more options check the command line options for the installer.
See the following for examples on respective operating system.
dbvis_windows-x64_10_0_jre.exe -q -console
echo %errorlevel%
DbVisualizer -q -console
echo $?
Linux -q -console
echo $?
The -console argument may be used for debugging purposes. The echo command verifies the exit code from the installer which may be useful if automating the installation.