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Changing the Auto Commit Setting

Auto Commit means that each SQL statement successfully executed in an SQL Commander is committed automatically, permanently changing the database. This is the default for a connection, but you can change it at different levels.

Changing Auto-Commit for a Database Type

  1. Open Tools → Tool Properties,
  2. Select the Database tab,
  3. Expand the node for the database type, e.g. Oracle,
  4. Select the Transaction category,
  5. Uncheck the Auto Commit checkbox.

Changing Auto-Commit for a Connection

  1. Double-click the connection node in the Databases tab tree to open an Object View tab,
  2. Select the Properties tab,
  3. Select the Transaction category under the node for the database type, e.g. Oracle,
  4. Uncheck the Auto Commit checkbox.

Changing Auto-Commit for an SQL Commander tab

  • Use the SQL Commander → Transaction → Turn On/Off Auto Commit toggle item, or,
  • Use the corresponding toggle button to the right in the SQL Commander toolbar.

Changing Auto-Commit for a Statement Block

You can use the @set autocommit command in a script to enable or disable auto commit for different blocks:

@set autocommit off;
insert into SAKILA.FILM (FILM_ID, LANGUAGE_ID, TITLE) values(1201, 1, 'Mission: Impossible - DbVisualizer');
insert into SAKILA.FILM (FILM_ID, LANGUAGE_ID, TITLE) values(1202, 1, 'Harry Potter and the DbVisualizer');
insert into SAKILA.FILM (FILM_ID, LANGUAGE_ID, TITLE) values(1203, 1, 'DbVisualizer: Episode 12');
@set autocommit on;