title: "Tab Types in DbVisualizer: A Comprehensive Guide" description: Explore DbVisualizer's tabs: Navigation, Object View, SQL Commander. Understand their functions for efficient database management.
Tab Types
There are three main types of tabs in DbVisualizer:
Navigation Tabs
The left part of the DbVisualizer window holds a navigation area with three tabs: Databases, Scripts and Favorites. They all contain an object tree where you can select the objects you want to work with.
The Databases tab tree contains you database connections at the top and, when connected, the database objects they contain. If you have many database connections, you can also create folder objects in this tree to organize them.
The Scripts tab tree contains Bookmarks and Monitors, see the Managing Frequently Used SQL and the Monitoring Data Changes pages for details.
Finally, the Favorites tab tree contains objects that you want to have easy access to, either database objects (such as tables, views, or procedures) or scripts. You can read more about Favorites in the Favorites page.
Object View Tabs
An Object View tab shows information about a database object, such as the data and DDL for a table, or the source code for a stored procedure. The different types of information are shown as sub tabs within the Object View tab.
SQL Commander Tabs
An SQL Commander tab contains an editor for editing SQL scripts, controls for executing the script and a results area with a Log tab and possibly Result Set tabs and a DMBS Output tab.