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The latest version of DbVisualizer was released 2024-08-30DOWNLOAD HERE ->

Viewing Table Relationships

To see how a table is related to other tables through Foreign Keys:

  1. Locate the table in the Databases tab tree,
  2. Double-click the node to open its Object View tab,
  3. Select the References sub tab,
  4. Select Imported Keys from the drop-down list in the toolbar to see tables referenced by foreign keys in this table,
  5. Select Exported Keys from the drop-down list to see tables referencing this table by foreign keys.


You can select among different graph layouts in the layout drop-down list in the toolbar: Hierarchic, Organic, Orthogonal, or Circular.Other layout settings can be changed in the Graph Control area, which is shown or hidden with the settings toggle button in the toolbar. For instance, you can select how much information to include for each table in the graph: just the Table Name, the Primary Key column(s) or all Columns.

The graph can be Exported to a file in JPG, GIF, PNG, SVG or PDF or Saved as a Graph Modeling Language (GML) file that you can then open in the yEd tool from yWorks for further manipulation.

You can control whether the table names should be qualified with the schema/catalog in the graph.