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Changing the Data Display Format

Some data, like numeric and date/time data, can be displayed in many different ways.

To define how to display and enter data in grids and forms in DbVisualizer:

  1. Open Tools->ToolProperties,
  2. Select the General / Data Formats node under the General tab,
  3. Select or enter your preferred format for the different data types.

Date, Time and Timestamp formats

The lists for date, time and timestamp format contain collections of standard formats. If these formats are not suitable, you can enter your own format in the appropriate field. The tokens used to define the format are listed in the right-click menu when the field has focus and a sample is shown after the field.

image2020 12 22 15 59 42

The complete documentation for these tokens is available at the following web page: SimpleDateFormat.

Number formats

The lists for number and decimal number contain collections of standard formats. If these formats are not suitable, you can enter your own format in the appropriate field. The tokens used to define the format are listed in the right-click menu when the field has focus, and complete documentation for these tokens is available at the following web page: DecimalFormat.

The Unformatted format for numbers and decimal number allows no grouping character. For Unformatted and decimal numbers a dot (".") is used as the decimal number separator.