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Debugging DbVisualizer

The Tools->Debug Window is useful to see what is going on in DbVisualizer and the JDBC driver(s). The checkboxes at the top of the Debug tab controls what parts of DbVisualizer should be debugged. The Debug JDBC Drivers option will enable debug of the current JDBC driver. Note that the amount of output is determined by the JDBC driver.

Debug Window in DbVisualizer

The log window shows the end of the log files produced by DbVisualizer. The Debug Log tab shows the debug log file and the Error Log tab the error log file. DbVisualizer writes its log files to a log directory which may be opened using the Open Log Directory link at the top right. DbVisualizer maintains the content of the log directory in a way that limits the size of its content. The content of the log tabs is also automatically truncated to preserve memory.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save saves the content of the visible log tab to file
  • Copy copies any selection to the clipboard
  • Clear clears the content of the log tab
  • Start starts monitoring of the corresponding log file. This button is of course disabled if monitoring is already started
  • Stop stops the monitoring of the log files (if started)

The button labeled Contact Support serves as a shortcut to open the window for How to Report Issues where you may optionally attach the content of the DbVisualizer log files to a support ticket.