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Using Max Rows and Max Chars for Queries

DbVisualizer limits the number of rows shown in the result set tab to 1000 rows, by default. This is done to conserve memory. If this limit prevents you from seeing the data of interest, you should first consider:1. Using a WHERE clause in the query to only retrieve the rows of interest instead of all rows in the table, 2. Exporting the table to a file

If you really need to look at more than 1000 rows, you can change the value in the Max Rows field in the SQL Commander toolbar. Use a value of 0 or -1 to get all rows, or a specific number (e.g. 5000) to set a new limit.

SQL Commander toolbar in DbVisualizer

Character data columns may contain very large values that use up lots of memory. If you are only interested in seeing a few characters, you can set the Max Chars field in the SQL Commander toolbar to the number of characters you want to see.

A value of 0 or -1 (default) will include all characters in the character data columns.

You can define how to deal with columns that have more characters than the specified maximum in the Tool Properties dialog, in the Grid category under the General tab. You have two choices: Truncate Values or Truncate Values Visually.

  • Truncate Values truncates the original value for the grid cell to be less then the setting of Max Chars.

This affects any subsequent edits and SQL operations that use the value since it's truncated. This setting is only useful to save memory when viewing very large text columns.

  • Truncate Values Visually truncates the visible value only and leave the original value intact. This is the preferred setting since it will not harm the original value. The disadvantage is that more memory is needed when dealing with large text columns.

When the grid data is limited due to either the Max Rows or Max Chars value, you get an indication about this in the rows/columns field in the grid status bar and in the corresponding limit field.

Grid status bar showing row/column limit warnings in DbVisualizer

Along with the highlighted field, a warning pops up close to the field. You can disable this behavior in the Tool Properties dialog, in the Grid category under the General tab.