Connection Properties
Make it easier to toggle the
"Show only default database/schema" connection property
Connection Properties
Make it possible to run
arbitrary set method(s) in java.sql.Connection and java.sql.Statement
Connection Properties
Replace right click menu in
Connections grid with a toolbar
Connection Tab
GUI hangs if pressing
disconnect while a connection is being established
Connection Tab
Improve responsiveness while
"Connect All" has been requested
Connection Wizard
Show Connection Wizard
automatically for new users
Create/Alter Table
The new CREATE TABLE feature
should only be used for databases with profiles while the old CREATE
TABLE should be used for the rest
Database Objects Tree
"Reconnect" right click menu
choice should be available for all nodes in the objects tree
Database Objects Tree
Improve the Objects Tree
Search capability
Database Objects Tree
Move "Show Table Row Count"
to objects tree right click menu
Database Objects Tree
Reload in Database Objects
Tree should reload childs objects for the selected node only and not
all objects for the connection
Database Profile: Actions
Add a "Format SQL" button in
the object action dialog
Database Profile: View
Accept "columnWidth" input
paramter for "form" and "node-form" viewers
DB Support: DB2
xxx FOR BIT DATA in DB2 need
to be presented natively in addition to text style
DB Support: Informix
Show "Columns" as child
objects for tables in the objects tree
DB Support: Informix
Having auto commit off gives
the error "Must terminate transaction before closing database" while
navigating the database
DB Support: Mimer SQL
Update database profile for
Mimer SQL 9.3
DB Support: MySQL
Distribute MySQL JDBC driver
DB Support: Oracle
Show column objects as child
nodes for Table->Constraints, Table->Indexes and Views
DB Support: Oracle
Need to show non table
associated triggers in the objects tree for Oracle
DB Support: Oracle
Oracle 10gr2 supports 32k in
dbms_output.put() calls while DbVisualizer only show 255 bytes
DB Support: Oracle
Show grants for views in
DB Support: Oracle
Show indexes for Materialized
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Add actions to set COMMENT
for tables, views, etc.
DB Support: Sybase ASE
Having auto commit off gives
the error "xxx is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction in
the 'tempdb' database" while navigating the database
DB Support: Sybase ASE
Add sorting and objects tree
filtering capability for Triggers
Driver Manager
Add "Remove not Ready
Drivers" in the Driver Manager
Driver Manager
Load JDBC drivers
automatically from pre-defined paths
Driver Manager
Add sorting capability in the
driver manager
Driver Manager
Always merge with any new
default drivers if version change i.e. don't show "merge new drivers?"
Driver Manager
Driver Manager should set
Driver Class automatically as the Connecton Wizard does
Add a "Remove New Lines"
setting for CSV exports
Form Editor
Grid Cell Browser/Editor
window should remember position and size
Form Editor
Grid Form Browser/Editor
window should remember position and size
Form Editor
Add "Stop" capability in the
table data editor
Form Editor
Grid Form Browser/Editor
should not be modal
Form Editor
Make it configurable if
numbers in form viewer/editor should be left or right aligned
Form Editor
Possible to sort the fields
in the form editor
Form Editor
Should be possible to
load/save BLOB/CLOB and TEXT values to file in the row form editor
Form Editor
Tab and Enter keys should
jump to the Value column in the next row and not to the Key or Name
Must be possible to specify
-encoding when loading files via the -sqlfile command line argument
There should be no icons in
menus with Mac OS X and the Aqua Look and Feel (according to OS X
Disable CDE/Motif look and
Make it possible to set
application font in addition to font size
Partial Windows 2003 look
& feel should not be used
Show nested SQLExceptions
when SQL errors occur and not only the top level exception
Support for anti aliased
Grid Component
"Fit" improvements in grid
Grid Component
"Where Filter" history now
listed based on time when last used (latest first)
Grid Component
Add a lightweight filtering
capability in the Data tab in addition to the where filter dialog
Grid Component
Add setting to control if
grid row header should appear in table Data tab, Result Set and Monitor
Grid Component
Allow "Script: INSERT COPY
INTO" for multiple rows in the Data tab grid
Grid Component
Allow multi columns sort in
Grid Component
Grid Cell Browser/Editor
window should not be modal
Grid Component
Improve "Set Where Filter for
Selection" by allowing multi line selection and additional operators
(<>, >, <, like, etc)
Grid Component
Improve the WHERE filter
feature by making sure filters are kept when selecting other tables
Grid Component
Load and rendering of a
50,000 row table is now approx. 50% faster (with "Auto Resize Column
widths" enabled)
Grid Component
Make grid color configurable
in Tool Properties
Grid Component
Make it possible to define
whether column header should be considered when auto resize of column
widths in grids
Grid Component
Must be possible to specify
sort (ORDER BY) clause in the Data tab
Grid Component
Possible to choose what
columns the quick filter should operate on
Grid Component
Possible to sort in the
column visibility dialog
Grid Component
Possible to sort on primary
key in the column visibility dialog
Grid Component
Setting a Data tab WHERE
filter should escape any quotes in the text values
Grid Component
Should be possible to save
BLOB/CLOB and TEXT values to file from any grid
Grid Component
Support for non contiguous
selections in grids
Grid Component
The Data tab should support
multiple WHERE filters. These should be saved between sessions
Grid Editor
Add capability for
duplicating multiple rows in the inline editor
Grid Editor
Add capability for multi
deletes in inline editor
Grid Editor
Inline editing is started
when pressing key binding
Grid Editor
Inline table data editor
should support pasting block of cell values from for example Excel,
OpenOffice Calc, etc.
Grid Editor
Pasting rows into inline
editor grid should add new rows automatically if needed
Enable the "Close Window"
button for Monitors to remove it
Printing enhancements using
Java 1.5 capabilities
Procedure Editor
Add split panes in the Oracle
procedure editor
Query Builder
Add feature in Query Builder
that automatically will add joins based on primary/foreign keys and
based on match by column name
Query Builder
Auto enabling of Group By if
at least 1 aggregate
Query Builder
Query Builder should qoute
text data in the conditions settings
Query Builder
The "Grouping" tab in query
builder should be disabled if no Group By enabled columns
Column information is not
saved in the GML file when saving references graph
Double clicking a table in
the references graph is extremely slow if many database objects
Save "Referenced Only"
setting between DbVisualizer sessions
Saving graph in GML doesn't
save info about primary key or columns
Row Form Browser
Add "Copy to Clipboard" in
Browse Row in Form window
Row Form Browser
Add Find/Find Next in Row
Form Browser
Row Form Browser
Row Form Browser should
properly display BLOB/CLOB data
SQL Commander
The UI should not be locked
while executing a query in the SQL Commander
SQL Commander
Add an option for blank lines
between exported result sets when using @export
SQL Commander
Add support for @echo client
side command in SQL Commander
SQL Commander
Inconsistency between
CatalogList and SchemaList
SQL Commander
Make it possible setting Auto
Commit state in the SQL Commander
SQL Commander
Should be possible to echo
any text in the @export output
SQL Commander
Show progress indicator that
SQL Commander is currently executing
SQL Commander
The Schema list in the SQL
Editor should really change the current schema for Oracle, DB2 and
SQL Editor
Using "Find" in the Replace
dialog should leave the cursor at the current position when closing the
Replace dialog
Tool Properties
Make it possible to define
platform specific default look and feels
Tool Properties
Change default look and feel
on Windows to the "Windows Look and Feel"
Tool Properties
Remove "Connection Timeout"
property setting