Release Notes 6.5

You are currently viewing an old version of DbVisualizer. We recommend that you check out our latest 24.3.3 version.

6.5.12 - Released 2009-12-22

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Informix BOOLEAN columns are shown as BLOB in DDL
Import Setting "Commit Batch Size" for the Import Table Data feature doesn't work
OS Support: Mac OS X At startup a window display "You need to restart to see the new look and feel". This is due to changes in the Java 1.6.0_17 version
SQL Commander Execute Current may in some cases execute the preceding statement instead on Windows platforms

6.5.11 - Released 2009-12-05

Area Details
DB Support: SQL Server Add key sort order for Primary Key in DDL
Export Export objects selected in the Export Schema dialog in alphabetic order per object type
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Oracle Foreign Key constraints are duplicated in the DDL when the same FK target is used in another table in another schema
DB Support: PostgreSQL The column order in a PK constraint in the generated DDL is incorrect for some tables
DB Support: SQL Server Index order (DESC vs ASC) missing in the DDL
DB Support: Sybase ASE Problem with database names having special characters in them (ex "-")
Export All values are exported as 0 for a BIT column is a format other than "true/false" is selected
Grid Component Script options (SELECT and DROP) are missing in the Tables grid popup
SQL Commander "invalid statement type: 0" error when executing a statement in an anonymous block
SQL Editor Auto completion popup for column names not displayed if having "KEY JOIN" in the SQL
SQL Formatter Format Buffer incorrectly adds a partial statement at the end (only on the Windows platform)

6.5.10 - Released 2009-10-23

Area Details
OS Support: Windows Support for Windows 7
OS Support: Windows Add installer for Windows x64
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: DB2 z/OS Some DB object types are displayed for all schemas instead of the selected
DB Support: MySQL An explicitly declared 0 default for a not-nullable int column is not preserved in the generated DDL
DB Support: Oracle (null) appear as table space name in "Remove Datafile" action
DB Support: Oracle Incorrect index column order in objects tree
DB Support: PostgreSQL Incorrect FK declarations generated in DDL when multiple FKs to/from the same table has the same name
DB Support: PostgreSQL The Table and Column lists for the Referenced Table FK constraints in the Create/Alter Table dialog contains too many entries
Explain Plan Explain plan feature for Oracle doesn't properly quote the schema and PLAN_TABLE names
General Fix regression problem with connection being timed out
SQL Commander Java 1.6: Focused component is not restored when jumping between the Object View and SQL Commander tabs
SQL Formatter Comments after the last statement are removed when formatting
Table Data Editor An error occur in the form data editor and if selecting another object in the objects tree or disconnect/refresh

6.5.9 - Released 2009-08-29

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: PostgreSQL The "Databases" object in the objects tree is empty

6.5.8 - Released 2009-08-27

Area Details
Database Profile Add <InitCommands> section in Database Profile
DB Support: HP Neoview Add object type actions such as Create Trigger, Rename Table, Create View, Create Materialized View, etc
DB Support: HP Neoview Auto determine the value of the METACAT driver property for HP Neoview 2.4+ (user should not need to specify it)
DB Support: HP Neoview Default Delimited Identifiers for HP Neoview should be (")
DB Support: HP Neoview Enhance HP Neoview support so it handles ISO & UCS2 systems properly
DB Support: HP Neoview Schema drop down list in SQL Commander isn't sorted
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add support for the INHERITS clause in the DDL generator
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add object actions for Create and Drop Schema for PostgreSQL 8
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Database Profile: Tree Stopping a database search may not stop at once
DB Support: MySQL An explicitly declared 0 default for a nullable int column is not preserved in the generated DDL
DB Support: Oracle Fix the issue with "No <Command> sub element for ObjectActionType: oracle-schedulerjobs-create" being displayed in the debug window
DB Support: Oracle ORGANIZATION INDEX is not included in DDL
General Some operations may hang the GUI if the database connection has been dropped or is unresponsive
Grid Component (null) values are rendered with a gray background color which is fine but when using the quick filter sometimes this gray color appear in non null fields
Procedure Editor NullPointerException when saving if the editor is used as a separate window
Procedure Editor Format Buffer incorrectly formats the code as multiple statements

6.5.7 - Released 2009-06-19

Area Details
Database Profile: Actions <Default> value must not match the list of values for the "list" style if the input field is editable
Database Profile: Actions Add support for "hideif" attribute for <Action> and <Input> elements controlling whether action should be hidden for an object and whether an input field for an action should be hidden
DB Support: Oracle Add more support for Oracle Scheduler
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Database Objects Tree Must be possible to use the objects tree filter for compound object names such as schema.table
Database Profile: Actions Database and Schema lists in the SQL Commander are not updated when executing action that create/removes database/schema
DB Support: Informix Problem with delimited identifiers in Informix
DB Support: Informix The Grants tab for a table in Informix doesn't show correct information
DB Support: PostgreSQL Auto completion popup lists index and constraints while it should only show tables and views
DB Support: PostgreSQL Browsing tables in PostgreSQL 8.4 gives an error
Export Error using Export Schema when block delimiters are set to "@" due to conflict with command identifier character
OS Support: Mac OS X Cannot launch DbVisualizer on Mac OS X with the Java 1.6.0_13 version
References References are not correct for Mimer SQL
SQL Commander Applying Connection Properties changes the selected Database in the SQL Editor
SQL Commander Executing a "{ call <xxx> }" statement will fail for Oracle if there is a newline before the first "{"

6.5.6 - Released 2009-05-15

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Database Profile: Actions Stopping a long running action may result in a NullPointerException
DB Support: Oracle Error when using Create Index dialog for a table that is not in the default schema
Export Export in Excel with append mode results in the document being cleared if a result set has no data
Grid Editor Pasting a value into a single cell in a sorted editable grid may result in a flickering of other cells
Grid Editor Start edit of a "(null)" value will mark it as edited and set the value to a space even if not really editing the value

6.5.5 - Released 2009-04-06

Area Details
Database Profile: Actions Support execution of procedure in an action which generates DBMS_OUTPUT
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Database Profile: Tree Can't "Show in Window" if the node in the objects tree have an overlay icon (representing new, error, warning state) on top of the normal object icon
Database Profile: Tree Focus is lost when traversing the objects tree with the keyboard
Database Profile: View An error may appear when clicking in the "Database Info" grid
DB Support: Oracle Source code lines for a routine may occasionally be reordered when read from the database
DB Support: Oracle Trigger source is not viewable when logged in as SYS
DB Support: SQL Server Viewing a the code for a function with no read access gives an exception rather than a detailed message
DDL Generator An empty column list is shown when the column list for a View is unavailable
Export NullPointerException when format is not specified for @export
Import Pushback buffer overflow if using "Nothing" as Quote Character in "Import Table Data"
Import StackOverflowError if importing a file that contain only a single row
Procedure Editor Exception when the source for a stored procedure is not available
SQL Commander Execute Current with the cursor after the last statement in a script executes the complete script
SQL Commander Pressing "Stop" in the SQL Commander clear any partially fetched result set while pre-6.5.3 versions did not
SQL Formatter Invalid formatting when MySQL delimited identifiers contain special characters (e.g. "-") or keywords (e.g. "from")

6.5.4 - Released 2009-02-06

Area Details
DB Support: MySQL Add a Table DDL tab that shows constraint names even when they are system generated
DB Support: MySQL Collation should be shown in the Columns tab for a table
Import The table data import feature should allow multi character column separators
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Database Profile: Actions Cannot type in text fields in some dialogs (ex. "create table", "rename table" and so on)
Database Profile: View The "Show in Window" window may appear behind the main window on Windows
Database Profile: View Window displayed by "Show in Window" command don't get focus
DB Support: MySQL Collation is not shown in DDL for columns with non-default collation
DDL Generator Single quotes in comments are not duplicated
Export BigInteger numbers may appear as 0 in exported Excel file
Export Export in Excel format may result in an error if result set was not created by executing SQL
Export Should be possible to specify that embedded double quote in text data should be escaped (duplicated) and not just single quotes
Export The ExcelIncludeSQLCommand="true" option with @export didn't have any effect
Export The exported XML document lacks a root element and may contain illegal characters
General Bookmarks containing SQL with CDATA identifiers results in an error
Import Import to grid may result in a NPE
Import The String type is suggested for a column with a mixture of integer and decimal number values
SQL Commander The "go" string should only be recognized as a delimiter when it is on its own line
SQL Commander Manually selected catalog/schema may be reset to the default after execution of a script

6.5.3 - Released 2009-01-12

Area Details
Grid Component Show column number in grid column header tooltip
Grid Component Extend Calculation feature in grid right click menu with metrics for string lengths
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Grid Component Selection mode in grid may erroneously be set to complete rows only

6.5.2 - Released 2009-01-09

Area Details
SQL Formatter Do not add blank lines around UNION, INTERSECT, etc., restoring the previous formatting behavior
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Tab Use of variables ($$...$$) in connection data may not properly revert to variable notation after exiting DbVisualizer while still connected with the database
Create/Alter Table The size value cannot be reset
DB Support: DB2 z/OS Listing triggers results in a database error
DB Support: Informix Getting the DDL for a stored procedure fails with Informix 7
DB Support: PostgreSQL Incorrect source shown in the Procedure Editor for procedures with the same name and number of arguments, differing only in parameter types
DB Support: PostgreSQL Procedure parameter list in Procedure Editor does not include parameter names when all parameters are IN parameters
Export Erroneous ALTER TABLE ADD statements generated for system generated CHECK NOT NULL constraints for some databases
Export @export in XLS format may result in a 0 byte file
General Maximize Window doesn't work correctly on a dual monitor setup
General Window sizes, positions and splitter positions fail to save between sessions if using dual monitors
Grid Component "Copy Name" in the column header right click menu doesn't work
Grid Component GUI is blocked (how long depends on amount of data in grid) and CPU peaks if modifying what grid columns should be visible while there is a quick filter active
Grid Editor EditingNotStoppedException may occur if entering an invalid value and click outside the data editor grid
Grid Editor Error dialog may show if there is a DB error getting unique indices or primary keys when saving table data edits
OS Support: Mac OS X Application icon on Mac OS X is scrambled
OS Support: Mac OS X Grid column header have white background on Mac OS X with the Aqua L&F
SQL Commander A block end identifier (e.g. "/") should only be recognized as such when it is on its own line
SQL Commander The "go" string should only be recognized as a delimiter when it is on its own line
SQL Commander An NPE error may occur when using @export with a SELECT statement
SQL Commander The "Copy SQL" command in the variable substitution window results in the SQL being executed

6.5.1 - Released 2008-11-23

Area Details
Bookmarks Add a size limit for History Bookmarks
Database Objects Tree The window that appear when requesting "Show in Window" in the objects tree can not be maximized or iconified
DB Support: MySQL Use SHOW TABLES to populate the Tables and Views trees instead of SELECT on INFORMATION_SCHEMA for better performance
SQL Commander Disable SQL Preview in the Variable prompt dialog when there is not enough memory available to show it
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Database Search A NullPointerException may occur at start
DB Support: Informix Error when opening a Function node if the code was created with CREATE PROCEDURE
DB Support: Informix Saving a Function/Procedure with explicitly declared IN, INOUT or OUT parameter directions in the Procedure Editor fails
DB Support: Mimer SQL The View DDL content is incorrect for some Views in 9.3
DB Support: MySQL National characters (e.g. umlaut o) in a procedure or function are corrupted by the source editor
DB Support: MySQL UNSIGNED types are duplicated in the Data Type lists
DB Support: Neoview A character set error may occur if displaying column information for a table
DB Support: PostgreSQL Error when opening function in PostgreSQL 8.3
DB Support: SQL Server The Triggers node for a Table node lists all triggers in the database rather than only those for the table
DB Support: SQL Server With "set quoted_identifier off" as a Connection Hook, selecting a Function/Procedure node results in an error
DB Support: Sybase ASE With "set quoted_identifier off" as a Connection Hook, selecting a Function/Procedure node results in an error
Export NullPointerException when a SELECT statement that is part of an @export fails
Installation A trojan is erroneously reported by eTrust during installation
Procedure Editor The Execute button gets disabled when all content is deleted
SQL Commander Executing a SELECT in the SQL Commander may take long time if using INNER JOIN clauses
SQL Commander Using JDBC escape features, {d 'xxx'}, {fn 'xxx'}, {ts 'xxx'} and so on doesn't work in the SQL Commander
SQL Formatter Indentation size hardcoded to 4 when indentation set to "Use Tab"
Tool Properties An error occur if setting "Whitespace(s) per tab" = 0 in Tool Properties->SQL Editor category

6.5 - Released 2008-10-23

New Features
Area Details
DB Support: DB2 for LUW Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: DB2 for LUW Add support to edit and compile of procedures and functions
DB Support: Informix Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: Informix Add support to create, edit and compile procedures and functions
DB Support: JavaDB/Derby Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: JavaDB/Derby Add support to create, edit, compile and drop of procedures and functions
DB Support: Mimer SQL Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: Mimer SQL Add support to edit and compile procedures, functions and modules
DB Support: MySQL Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: MySQL Add support to edit and compile procedures and functions
DB Support: Oracle Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: PostgreSQL Add support to edit and compile functions
DB Support: SQL Server Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: SQL Server Add support to create, edit and compile procedures and functions
DB Support: Sybase ASE Add support for creating and editing triggers
DB Support: Sybase ASE Add support to create, edit and compile procedures
Export Export DDL and data for all or selected objects in a schema/database. (This is available for Oracle, DB2 for LUW, Mimer SQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase ASE, SQL Server, MySQL, JavaDB/Derby and Informix)
General Add "Check for update" feature to check if there's a new version available
SQL Commander Add support for executing SQL with IN parameter markers, ex: WHERE ID = ? AND NAME LIKE ?
Tool Properties Add feature to export/import user settings (properties, database connections, bookmarks, ...)
Area Details
Database Profile: Actions Add support for an action to prompt/handle parameter markers (i.e a "processmarkers" attribute for the <Action> tag)
Database Profile: Tree <SetVar> variables in the <ObjectsTreeDef> section should not appear in the GUI unless visible="true" is added as attribute
DB Support: Oracle Add new views for the Oracle Scheduler
DB Support: Oracle Add support for enabling and disabling Oracle trace
DB Support: Oracle Update the database profile for Oracle with support for viewing Redo Logs, Objects per Datafile/Tablespace, new actions, etc.
DB Support: Other Add Netezza database type
Export Provide support for user-defined export setting defaults
General Make it possible to log to file instead of to the window
General Move debug tool properties to debug window + add new debug window controls for save, copy, etc.
General Upgrade all bundled JDBC drivers
Grid Component "Select Row" in grid component should be "Select Row(s)"
Grid Component Add "Match Exactly" in the Quick Filter popup menu
Import Import should set data types of columns based on analyzing the data
Query Builder Add an Execute Directly button in the Query Builder
SQL Commander Clicking the log icon should select the corresponding statement in the editor, not replace the editor content with the statement
SQL Commander Setting the database/catalog or schema in the SQL Commander should be reflected in the corresponding GUI elements
SQL Commander Add option to easily format the SQL "FROM <format>" and "TO <format>"
SQL Commander Copy/script to SQL Commander should ask what editor is target
SQL Commander Re-design the variable dialog feature and allow for sorting, multi line editing, etc.
SQL Commander SQL preview in substitution dialog shoud appear below the entry area and update instantly
SQL Formatter Add additional SQL formatting options
SQL Formatter Add option to format the current statement (at the cursor)
SQL Formatter SQL formatting enhancements
Tool Properties Make it possible to set a default file encoding via Tool Properties

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