Should be possible to set the Y-axis value at any specified value and not only by the actual data
Check for Update
Improve the check for update feature
Connection Setup
Add an Auto Detect choice for Database Type
DB Support: HSQLDB
Disconnecting a HSQLDB embedded database keeps the database file locked until DbVisualizer is closed
DB Support: Informix
Highlight SQL errors in the editor
DB Support: JavaDB/Derby
Highlight SQL errors in the editor
DB Support: JavaDB/Derby
Disconnecting a JavaDB/Derby embedded database keeps the database file locked until DbVisualizer is closed
DB Support: Mimer SQL
Highlight SQL errors in the editor
DB Support: MySQL
Highlight SQL errors in the editor
DB Support: Oracle
Highlight SQL errors in the editor
DB Support: Oracle
Add tempfile actions for Remove, Offline and Online
DB Support: Other
Database objects names are listed as (null) in the Databases tab for the Redshift database
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Highlight SQL errors in the editor
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Must be possible to easily enable that Explain Plan should be run with/without with the Analyze option
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Add option to display native explain output for PostgreSQL
DB Support: SQL Server
Add sequence objects to the Databases tab tree
Data tab
Key binding for auto completion in the inline filter field should use the same key(s) as defined for SQL Commander->Show Auto Completion
Database Objects Tree
Various problems may occur if schema/database name contain an embedded dot "."
Database Objects Tree
Database->Copy Database URL should only be enabled if the currently selected entries(s) are all database connection objects
Database Profile
Add support for extending a database profile
Database Profile
Add support for custom icons for use in database profile (object type icons)
Database Profile: Actions
Introduce a <Message> element for actions in the database profile
Database Profile: Tree
Add icon (optional) attribute for DataNode's
Add "Contact Support" feature in DbVisualizer (under Help menu)
Start evaluation of DbVisualizer Pro should be possible from within DbVisualizer Free without requiring to sign-up on web-site
Automatically remove evaluation license when it expire
Upgrade bundled JDBC drivers for DB2 (4.15.82), JavaDB/Derby (, H2 (1.3.172), jTDS (1.2.7), MySQL (5.1.25), PostgreSQL (9.2-1002.jdbc4), SQLite (3.7.2)
Clearly tell what user should do when a beta version license expire
Grid Component
Allow setting max scale in the Aggregation Data for Selection window
Installation/Update Installation
Should be possible to automatically upgrade to newer version without needing to manually visit website
OS Support: Mac OS X
Add support for Java 7 on Mac OS X
Add support for EMF as an export format
SQL Commander
Opening a SQL file or load from Recent menu should set database connection, database and schema from most recently used object or SQL editor
SQL Editor
Clicking the encoding status bar item should allow changing encoding
SQL Editor
Add keyboard navigation for moving the caret to the next or previous error marking
Table Data Editor
Add connection property controlling encoding of text data when it is stored in a binary DB type
Add option to control where new workspace tabs should be inserted