Digging Deeper into Advanced SQL Window Functions


Hey there! Do you want to learn more about advanced SQL window functions? Well, you've come to the right place! In this tutorial, I'm going to take you on a voyage through the world of SQL window functions and show you how to unleash their full power.

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Why Do We Need Window Functions

Window functions in SQL simplify data analysis by allowing for more efficient and elegant calculations on related rows. Prior to window functions, subqueries, self-joins, or temporary tables were required to perform these calculations, which can be slow and inefficient, especially when working with large datasets. With window functions, users can define a window or a subset of rows over which to apply calculations, resulting in faster and easier analysis of related data.


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need:

  1. Working knowledge of SQL.
  2. A database management tool such as DbVisualizer.
  3. Knowledge of simple window functions

Table Dataset

For this tutorial, we will be using a table exam_scores on which we will be running all our queries. Use the code below to create and populate your sales_data table.

1 - - Create sales_data table 2 CREATE TABLE sales_data ( 3 quarter int, 4 product varchar(50), 5 sales decimal(10,2), 6 value int 7 ); 8 9 - - Insert dummy data 10 11 INSERT INTO sales_data (quarter, product, sales, value) VALUES 12 (1, 'Product A', 1000.00, 5), 13 (2, 'Product A', 1500.00, 8), 14 (3, 'Product A', 2000.00, 11), 15 (4, 'Product A', 2500.00, 15), 16 (1, 'Product B', 500.00, 3), 17 (2, 'Product B', 750.00, 4), 18 (3, 'Product B', 1000.00, 6), 19 (4, 'Product B', 1250.00, 9);

The table sales_data contains four columns: quarter indicating the quarter in which sales occurred, product indicating the product sold, sales indicating the sales amount in dollars, and value indicating the number of units sold. The table contains dummy data for two products (Product A and Product B) across four quarters.

Advanced Window Functions

Now, there are a few basic window functions that most SQL developers are familiar with, such as ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), and DENSE_RANK(). But today, we're going to dive deeper into more advanced window functions that can be used to perform complex calculations and analyses. These advanced window functions can be used for tasks such as performing time-series analysis, calculating moving averages, finding gaps in data, and more. By leveraging the power of these advanced window functions, users can gain deeper insights into their data and make more informed decisions.

LEAD() and LAG()

The LEAD() and LAG() functions are used to access data from a row that is either ahead or behind the current row, respectively. These functions can be used to calculate things like the percentage change in a value between rows, or the difference between a value in the current row and a value in a previous row.

Here's an example that shows how to use the LEAD() function to calculate the percentage change in sales between two quarters:

1 SELECT quarter, sales, LEAD(sales) OVER (ORDER BY quarter) AS next_quarter_sales, 2 ((LEAD(sales) OVER (ORDER BY quarter) - sales) / sales) * 100 AS percent_change 3 FROM sales_data

In this example, we're selecting the quarter, sales, and sales for the next quarter using the LEAD() function. Then we're calculating the percentage change between the two quarters by subtracting the current quarter's sales from the next quarter's sales, dividing that by the current quarter's sales, and multiplying by 100.

Here's an example using the LAG() function:

1 SELECT quarter, sales, LEAD(sales) OVER (ORDER BY quarter) AS next_quarter_sales, 2 ((LEAD(sales) OVER (ORDER BY quarter) - sales) / sales) * 100 AS percent_change 3 FROM sales_data
A result for the LEAD() and LAG() function
A result for the LEAD() and LAG() function


The FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() functions are used to access the first or last value in a window, respectively. These functions can be used to calculate things like the percentage change in sales for each product from the first quarter to the last quarter in the table.

Here's how you can use FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE to achieve this:

1 SELECT product, 2 FIRST_VALUE(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product ORDER BY quarter) AS first_sales, 3 LAST_VALUE(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product ORDER BY quarter) AS last_sales, 4 ((LAST_VALUE(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product ORDER BY quarter) - FIRST_VALUE(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product ORDER BY quarter)) / FIRST_VALUE(sales) OVER (PARTITION BY product ORDER BY quarter)) * 100 AS percent_change 5 FROM sales_data

In this example, we're using the PARTITION BY clause to group the rows by product, and the ORDER BY clause to sort the rows by quarter.

The FIRST_VALUE function returns the first value of sales for each product within each partition, while the LAST_VALUE function returns the last value of sales for each product within each partition.

We then use these values to calculate the percentage change in sales using a simple formula.

A result for the FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() function
A result for the FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() function


The NTH_VALUE() function is an advanced window function that returns the value of the nth row in a window frame. For example, if you specify NTH_VALUE(column_name, 3) OVER (ORDER BY column_name), the function will return the value of the third row in the window frame, ordered by the column_name.

Here's an example of how to use the NTH_VALUE() function:

1 SELECT product, sales, NTH_VALUE(sales, 3) OVER (ORDER BY sales DESC) as third_highest_sale 2 FROM sales_data

In this example, we're selecting the product and sales columns from the sales_data table and using the NTH_VALUE() function to return the value of the third highest sale for each product, ordered by the sales column.

A result for the NTH() function
A result for the NTH() function


The PERCENTILE_DISC() function is an advanced window function that returns the discrete percentile of a set of values in a window frame. For example, if you specify PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) OVER (ORDER BY column_name), the function will return the median value in the window frame, ordered by the column_name.

Here's an example of how to use the PERCENTILE_DISC() function:

1 SELECT product, sales, PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sales DESC) OVER (PARTITION BY product) as median_sale 2 FROM sales_data

In this example, we're selecting the product and sales columns from the sales_data table and using the PERCENTILE_DISC() function to return the median sale for each product in a window frame partitioned by product.

A result for the PERCENTILE_DISC() function
A result for the PERCENTILE_DISC() function


The PERCENTILE_CONT() function is an advanced window function that returns the continuous percentile of a set of values in a window frame. Unlike the PERCENTILE_DISC() function, which returns a discrete value, the PERCENTILE_CONT() function returns a value that is interpolated between two values. For example, if you specify PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY column_name), the function will return the median value in the window frame, ordered by the column_name. Here's an example of how to use the PERCENTILE_CONT() function:

1 SELECT product, sales, PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sales DESC) OVER (PARTITION BY product) as median_sale 2 FROM sales_data

In this example, we're selecting the product and sales columns from the sales_data table and using the PERCENTILE_CONT() function to return the median sale for each product in a window frame partitioned by product.

A result for the PERCENTILE_CONT() function
A result for the PERCENTILE_CONT() function


The CUME_DIST() function is used to calculate the cumulative distribution of a value in a window. This function can be used to calculate things like the rank of a value within a set of data.

Here's an example that shows how to use the CUME_DIST() function to calculate the rank of each value within a set of data:

1 SELECT value, CUME_DIST() OVER (ORDER BY value) AS rank 2 FROM sales_data

In this example, we're selecting the value and the rank of each value within the sales_data table calculated by using the CUME_DIST() function. The rank for each row is returned in the "rank" column.

A result for the CUME_DIST() function
A result for the CUME_DIST() function


So there you have it! A quick guide to some of the advanced SQL window functions that you can use to perform complex calculations and analysis. With these functions in your arsenal, you'll be able to navigate the treacherous waters of data with ease. Now go forth and use your newfound knowledge to plunder the riches of the database, subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about the database world, and keep an eye out on our blog for database-related updates in the future. See you next time!


Why do we need window functions in SQL?

Window functions simplify data analysis by allowing for more efficient calculations on related rows, eliminating the need for subqueries or temporary tables.

How do I use the LEAD() and LAG() functions?

LEAD() retrieves data from a row ahead of the current row, while LAG() retrieves data from a row behind the current row. They can be used for calculations like percentage change or difference between values.

What are FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() used for?

FIRST_VALUE() returns the first value in a window, while LAST_VALUE() returns the last value. They are helpful for calculating things like percentage change over a range of values.

How does the NTH_VALUE() function work?

NTH_VALUE() returns the value of the nth row in a window frame. It can be used to find, for example, the third highest or lowest value in a set.


PERCENTILE_DISC() returns the discrete percentile of a set of values in a window frame, while PERCENTILE_CONT() returns the continuous percentile. They are useful for finding median values or analyzing data distribution.

How does the CUME_DIST() function calculate rank?

CUME_DIST() calculates the cumulative distribution of a value in a window, allowing you to determine the rank of a value within a set of data.

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About the author
Ochuko Onojakpor
Ochuko Onojakpor

Ochuko is a full-stack Python/React software developer and freelance Technical Writer. He spends his free time contributing to open source and tutoring students on programming in collaboration with Google DSC.

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