How to update a value incrementally (+1) in MySQL


Updating a value incrementally in MySQL is a common task for developers, especially in applications that require tracking or tallying actions, such as counting page views, logging user actions, or maintaining inventory counts. This process is useful for scenarios where you need to maintain a running total or update counters dynamically. In this blog post, we will explore how to incrementally update a value in MySQL using the UPDATE statement in combination with the SET clause.

The UPDATE statement

The UPDATE statement is used to modify existing data in a table. The SET clause is used to specify the columns to be updated and the new values for those columns. To update an integer value, you can use the + operator along with the column name.

1 UPDATE table_name SET column_name = column_name + 1 2 WHERE condition;

In this example, table_name is the name of the table, column_name is the name of the column to be updated, and condition is the condition that must be met for the update to occur. The column_name + 1 syntax increments the column's current value by 1.

Let's say we have a table named users with a column named login_count. We want to increment the login_count column by 1 every time a user logs in. Here is the SQL query we can use:

1 UPDATE users SET login_count = login_count + 1 2 WHERE id = 1;

This query will update the login_count column of the user with an id of 1 by adding 1 to the current value.

Complex increment example

Suppose you have a more complex scenario where you only want to increment the count if certain conditions are met, such as when a user performs a specific action. You can modify the UPDATE statement to reflect this:

1 UPDATE user_activity SET action_count = action_count + 1 2 WHERE user_id = 2 AND action_type = 'login' AND status = 'active';
  • The action_count is only incremented for a user with user_id = 2.
  • The increment occurs only if the action_type is 'login' and the user's status is 'active'.

This example demonstrates how to use additional conditions to refine which records are updated, providing a more targeted and efficient approach.


Updating a value in MySQL is a simple task that can be accomplished using the UPDATE statement together with the SET clause. By using the + operator along with the column name and integers you can easily increment the current value of a column by an integer. This is useful when you want to increment the value of a column again, again, and again to create a “snowball” effect when a user performs a specific action.

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