Release Notes 12.0

You are currently viewing an old version of DbVisualizer. We recommend that you check out our latest 24.3.3 version.

12.0.9 - Released 2021-07-10

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Exasol An error is reported when connecting to Exasol
Exasol DDL for view Exasol Demo/Schemas/FLIGHTS/Views/FLIGHTS_PRED_DELAY does not work
DB Support: Exasol
SQL Editor
Exception when deleting a table in Exasol
DB Support: MySQL Set the enabledTLSProtocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 driver property by default for MySQL
DB Support: Snowflake
Database Objects Tree
Object views may show content from wrong database if executed simultanously
Installation/Update Installation Installation wizard hangs
OS Support: Windows
Theme: FlatLaf
Theme: Windows
All UI text Windows are rendered in bold
SQL Editor Sporadic cursor issues on Windows with screen resolution > 100%
SQL Formatter Exception when formatting SQL

12.0.8 - Released 2021-06-14

Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Updated Exasol profile with better performance on slower instances, new connection actions
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Chart Bar chart shows up empty if many data points
Using bar or pie chart with many points (1000+) may hang DbVisualizer
Export The Qualifier given in the Export Schema/Table is not honored for any exported CREATE INDEX statements
OS Support: Windows
SQL Editor
Font and cursor issues in the SQL Editor on Windows

12.0.7 - Released 2021-06-07

Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup
DB Support: MySQL
"Communications link failure" when connecting to MySQL
DB Support: Exasol
DDL Generator
The generated DDL for a View is broken if a column name begins with "AS"
DB Support: PostgreSQL EXCLUDE USING gist constraint is not generated in DDL

12.0.6 - Released 2021-05-23

Area Details
DB Support: Exasol New Exasol key word TYPEOF
Java 11 Make Java 11 the minimum version on all platforms
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Connection Setup Rare exception when connecting using SSL
DB Support: DB2 LUW Operator is missing in DB2 explain plan result
DB Support: Oracle "Clone User" action in Oracle doesn't work
Export/Import User Settings
OS Support: Windows
Importing user settings on Windows and then "Restart" when prompted doesn't save the imported settings
Installation/Update Installation
OS Support: Windows
OS Support: macOS
Any command-line arguments to (dbvis.exe or are not respected at restart of DbVisualizer on Windows and macOS
Java 11
OS Support: Windows
Caret issue in SQL editor on Windows with Java 11
OS Support: Linux Error installing RPM on Fedora 34
SQL Commander Tooltip showing SQL on a result set tab header is wrong if SQL contains the "<>" operator
SQL Editor Find/Replace window is too wide
Theme: FlatLaf Occasional error in FlatPopupFactory.fixToolTipLocation

12.0.5 - Released 2021-04-23

Area Details
Connection Setup Better error message when the known_hosts file is not accessible
DB Support: DB2 LUW
Explain Plan
Explain plan for DB2 LUW should use "SYSPROC.SYSINSTALLOBJECTS()" procedure to create required explain tables
DB Support: Dremio Add database type for Dremio database
DB Support: Exasol Update of Exasol profile
DB Support: Mimer SQL Allow editing alter default value
DB Support: Redshift Upgrade the Redshift JDBC driver to
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Auto Completion Auto completion may generate an error
Compare Exception when merging in comparing grids
Connection Setup Rare exception when edit multiple database connections
DB Support: Greenplum
DB Support: PostgreSQL
DB Support: Redshift
DB Support: Vertica
DB Support: Yellowbrick
The "search_path" is not preserved from default properly
DB Support: Informix
Import to Informix is broken in 12.0.4
DB Support: Oracle Ability to grant privileges to Oracle views
DB Support: PostgreSQL Error when saving Postgres "range" data types
DB Support: SQL Server
Grid Component
Insert Copy Into Table on grid selection: single quotes in strings are not properly escaped
DDL Generator Message when DDL cannot be generated
Docs: Users Guide Clarify the users guide how to access Java system properties and environment variables from a SQL script
Wrong description of DbVisualizerCmd argument -driverPath
Export Export in SQL generates wrong table name
OS Support: macOS
Theme: FlatLaf
Having the tool property set to show icons in menus, in macOS double sized icons are displayed in the screen menubar
References Content in References graph may not be consistent
Hide column does not work in references table
Exception opening GML file saved in References in the yEd tool
SQL Commander "Merge Result Sets" in SQL Commander fails if not connected
Execution time says 1 minute 60 seconds rather than 2 minutes
SQL Editor Editor repeatedly flickers having vertical splitter at certain position
SQL Formatter
Tool Properties
Exception when sorting SQL formatting profiles
Table Data Editor Key columns chooser shows any unique indexes in addition to the primary key which it shouldn't
Theme: FlatLaf
Having colored tabs and maximize/restore it doesn't properly update the colors
Tool Properties The font size in some grids do not adjust with the grid font size setting in Tool Properties
Removing a used SQL Formatting profile is allowed

12.0.4 - Released 2021-03-16

Area Details
Connection Setup
DB Support: Redshift
Add IAM authentication settings for Amazon Redshift
DB Support: SQL Server Show column default for a column
General Improve startup performance
Import Improve any error messages generated during data import
Procedure Editor
Tool Properties
Add permission settings for Save/Compile and Execute triggered by the procedure editor
SQL Commander Saved SQL Commmander tabs between sessions should load them in the same order they were created
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Auto Completion
SQL Commander
An error may occur when auto complete in SQL Commander
Connection Setup
Tool Properties
Changing a statement in Connection properties and the SQL Statements category is not properly saved
DB Support Github
Query Builder
Loading a query in the query builder, it detects any text as text that should be quoted which is not always the case
DB Support: PostgreSQL StackOverflowError may occur for database objects in PostgreSQL
DB Support: Redshift Stackoverflow in Redshift: PGTimestamp.getPostgresqlString
Import Importing into a database using dots in the name doesn't work
Query Builder String with quotes does not work IN condition
SQL Commander T-SQL not a recognized SQL Dialect
StackOverflow when executing a very large CREATE VIEW statement
SQL Formatter Generated Select statement with spaces in column names
SQL Formatter
Tool Properties
Error when resetting SQL Formatter to defaults
SSH NullPointerException when connecting to a SSH host with a non trusted key
Theme: FlatLaf Occasional error in FlatPopupFactory.fixToolTipLocation

12.0.3 - Released 2021-03-01

Area Details
Auto Completion Auto completion in SQL editor and Data tab should sort entries that starts with and also highlight
DB Support: MySQL Add JSON data type for MySQL 8
Key Bindings
OS Support: Linux
SQL Editor
Introduce a new Linux keymap which is default on Linux. It maps Ctlr+A to 'Select All' rather than moving caret first in line. Old behavior is still available in the Linux-UNIX keymap
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Cell Viewer/Editor
OS Support: Linux
Garbled strings in the cell editor on Linux
Connection Setup Popup menus in connection tab doesn't show on Windows (Open in Driver Manager, Show Password, URL field)
Contact Support Using Help->Contact Support should warn if too large attachements
DB Support: PostgreSQL Reload in PostgreSQL doesn't restore expansion state in the Databases tab
DB Support: Snowflake The create procedure source template is not complete
Data tab Quick filter activation by TAB and space lost
Auto completion in the Data grid WHERE filter field doesn't work properly
Filtering/Filter Sets "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where' "
Grid Component Regression: Copy Name in grid column header doesn't work
Occasional error when sorting a column in grids
Import Import to grid fails
OS Support: Windows Open a SQL file in same instance on Windows doesn't work
Query Builder Number collections generated with wrong syntax in Query Builder
Spaces inserted in dates when generating SQL from Query Builder
Using a "BETWEEN" operator as condition in the query builder misses the first value in the generated SQL
SQL Commander Getting large script warning dialog even for a small script when using @run
Warning about parsing non existing dialect file
SQL Log Copy from SQL log grid in SQL Commander gives 'null' if tab is closed

12.0.2 - Released 2021-02-14

Area Details
Connection Setup Ensure database, port, and database fields in the connection setup tab are trimmed from whitespaces
DB Support: Exasol Update the Exasol database profile
Change the default timeout for Exasol driver from 0 to 10 secs
Grid Component Show count of selected rows/columns in grid status bar
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Cell Viewer/Editor Error when editing JSON data
Not possible to edit after failure in launching the XML viewer
Cell Viewer/Editor
Grid Component
Tool Properties
Setting decimal format with adjusted grouping and decimal delimiters may break data
Create/Alter Table Changing column name in Create Table dialog for a primary key doesn't rename the primary key
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DB Support: DB2 iSeries
DB Support: DB2 z/OS
CHAR FOR BIT DATA in Db2 are handled as CLOB and not binary
DB Support: Oracle Executing of an Oracle procedure occasionally fail
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Database Objects Tree
Connecting to a catalog database that fail in the Databases tree, and then re-connecting it, still shows the error but is expandable
Data tab Requesting Stop in the Data tab grid doesn't show any data fetched
Explain Plan Copy in explain output details grid throws an exception
Export Exception when exporting data
Export/Import User Settings Some in-progress dialogs are displayed behind of existing dialogs or not at all
Grid Component Paste of data may give: "Unicode String: Row data at 0/0 is null!"
Key Bindings 'Search Action' field in key binding tool properties cleared when swing back and forth to other window
Object View
Theme: FlatLaf
The "there are no details" object view pane may contain a previously displayed component
References Showing the "List" of tables in References is sometimes empty
SQL Commander Getting joins for auto completion is slow
Editor templates are not being completly replaced
Visual artifact in result tabs showing an erroneous close (X) button and when clicked resulting in an error
SQL Editor Parsing with two delimiters does not work due to regression in 12.0
Copy selection as 'IN' clause should preserve order
Theme: FlatLaf Changing theme doesn't properly update some visual components unless restarting DbVisualizer
Tool Properties DbVisualizer hangs when opening Tool Properties using 32-bit Java on Windows

12.0.1 - Released 2021-01-28

Area Details
DB Support: Exasol Update the Exasol JDBC driver to 7.0.4
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
Create/Alter Table Error when clearing column name in create/alter table
Data tab Error selecting column in the Filter & Sort editor
Export Qualifier empty when default settings has been saved for Export Table
SQL Editor
Error when DnD table from Favorites into SQL editor window
Grid Component Error whenever trying to export a grid that is not presenting data from a specific table such as Columns, Primary Key, etc.
SQL Commander Change in-progress icons color
SQL Editor Auto highlighter in editor is slow with big scripts
Error when searching in editor
Auto highlighting in SQL editor hangs DbVisualizer for some time
Table Data Editor Editing CLOB fails with an error

12.0 - Released 2021-01-24

New Features
Area Details
DB Support: Azure SQL Add support for Azure SQL Database
DB Support: Greenplum Add support for the Greenplum database
DB Support: IBM DB2 on Cloud Add support for IBM DB2 on Cloud
DB Support: Oracle Cloud Add support for Oracle Cloud
DB Support: Oracle MySQL Cloud Add support for Oracle MySQL Cloud
DB Support: Yellowbrick Add support for the Yellowbrick database
Theme Introduce the new FlatLaf Light and Dark themes
Area Details
SQL Editor
Support for BOM identifier in files
Auto Completion Auto completion in SQL editor should match anywhere with the specified pattern on not only from beginning of the target names
Add Auto Complete for JOIN clause
DB Support: Azure SQL
DB Support: SQL Server
Bundle the SQL Server JDBC driver (for SQL Server and Azure)
DB Support: DB2 LUW
DDL Generator
Should offer a "Generate CREATE with Storage" option when DDL is generated
DB Support: DB2 LUW
Explain Plan
Explain for DB2 LUW needs more details
DB Support: Exasol Add keywords for new Exasol version 7.1.0
DB Support: Mimer SQL Update the database profile for Mimer SQL 11.0
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Database Objects Tree
Database Profile: Tree
For triggers in PostgreSQL show any related functions for the trigger in the databases tab
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Table Data Editor
Support for new data types in PostgreSQL 13
DB Support: Snowflake Add "External Tables" and "Materialized Views" for Snowflake
Data tab
Key Bindings
Allow to configure key binding for "Reload with Filter" in the Data tab
Docs: Users Guide Description for opening an object from a connection in Users Guide does not seem correct
Filtering/Filter Sets Enabling "Show only default Database/Schema" should de-activate any custom filter for these object types
General Introduce new flat icon collection
Key Bindings
SQL Commander
Allow to configure key binding for Execute in the "Enter Data for Variables" window
OS Support: Windows Add support for Java 11 on Windows
Query Builder When columns are sorted in query builder table nodes, any primary keys should be presented first
References Reference Graph should allow highlighting columns for a specific relation
Highlight selected tables in References View
SQL Commander Enhance the SQL Statement Parser to eliminate the need for block enclosures when running complex SQL statements (enabled under General / SQL Commander / Statement and the Allow SQL dialects setting)
SQL Editor Want different colors for selected and auto-highlighted text
Allow changing editor highlighting color in tool properties
SSH Update the JSch library which resolves a few connection issues over SSH
Bugs Fixed
Area Details
DB Support: Azure SQL
DB Support: SQL Server
Alter column statements are generated even with no changes Alter Table window
DB Support: Mimer SQL Data types are not refreshed when launching the Create/Alter Table dialog
DB Support: MySQL MySQL Time data type may hold times from '-838:59:59' to '838:59:59' while the JDBC Time type only accepts '00:00:00' to '23:59:59'
DB Support: MySQL
Strings are escaped while they shouldn't with MySQL
DB Support: PostgreSQL Any single quotes in comments needs to be escaped
DB Support: Vertica
SQL Commander
SQL block problem with dialect for Vertica
Database Profile: Actions Field value not usable in Confirm if the field is not editable
Export NPE when canceling an export
Data export as SQL: wrong table name inserted when loading export settings
General Running macOS in dark mode and DbVisualizer in the macOS look and feel results in some components and texts being too bright
Theme: macOS
Exception using the macOS look and feel
Grid Component Rare exception when copy in a grid
SQL Commander Names and tooltips of DBMS Output enable/disable buttons refer to "Oracle DBMS Output"
SQL Editor Auto highlight in the SQL editor should not highlight if whitespaces or non chars are selected
Strange selection when selecting to end of line
SQL Log Having a filter or sort in the SQL Log grid, any click on the command or error link in the grid will not highlight the matching entry in the editor
Theme: FlatLaf Extra border around combo boxes in connection tab variable dialog

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