SQL STUFF: Insert a String Into Another in SQL Server


Learn everything you need to know about inserting a string into another string using the SQL TRIM function in SQL Server.

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Efficient string handling is a crucial aspect of data processing in a database. That is why databases such as SQL server are equipped with numerous functions for string manipulation. Among them, the SQL STUFF function stands out as a powerful tool for inserting one string into another at a specific location.

In this article, you will learn what the STUFF SQL Server function is, how it works, and how to use it in real-world scenarios.

Let’s dive in!

What Is the STUFF Function in SQL Server?

The SQL Server STUFF function inserts a string into another string. Specifically, it removes a given length of characters in the original string from a given position and then inserts a second string into the first string from that initial position.

Note that the SQL STUFF function is exclusive to Transact-SQL. While other databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL do not offer a direct replacement, you can achieve the same result by concatenating string manipulation functions.

STUFF SQL Server: Syntax and First Examples

This is what the syntax of the STUFF SQL Server function looks like:

1 STUFF(original_string, start, length, replace_string)


  • original_string is an SQL expression containing character-like data.
  • start is an integer value that specifies the location in the original_string from which the deletion process of length amount of characters starts. The first character to original_string corresponds to 1.
  • length is an integer that specifies the number of characters to delete in original_string, starting from start.
  • replace_string is a character-like data expression. If it is NULL, STUFF will simply remove characters without inserting anything.

The SQL STUFF Function in Action

You’re ready to see the SQL STUFF function in action with a simple example. This SQL query:

1 SELECT STUFF('Hello###World!', 6, 3, ', ');

Will return:

1 Hello, World!

In particular, what the STUFF SQL Server function does in the above query is:

  1. Move to the sixth character of the Hello###World! string, which is the first #;
  2. Delete the next 3 characters, starting from the current (first) #;
  3. Inject the ,string inside the blank space created in the original string.

If replace_string is NULL, the STUFF SQL Server function will just remove some characters from original_string:

1 SELECT STUFF('Hello###World!', 6, 3, NULL);

This time, the result is:

1 HelloWorld!

Keep in mind that STUFF can also return NULL. Here are all the scenarios where the result is NULL:

  1. original_string is NULL;
  2. start is 0 or a negative integer;
  3. start is longer than the characters in original_string;
  4. length is a negative integer.

Note that if start + length - 1 is greater than or equal to the number of characters in original_string, deletion occurs up to the last character of original_string:

1 SELECT STUFF('Hello###World!', 6, 15, 'Everyone!');

The result will be:

1 Hello, Everyone!

Instead, if the length is zero, the insertion occurs at the start location and no characters are deleted:

1 SELECT STUFF('Hello###World!', 6, 0, '@@@');

This time, the output will be:

1 Hello@@@###World!

Warning: If the STUFF resulting value is larger than the maximum supported by the return type, an error is raised.

Use Cases of STUFF in SQL Server

See the SQL STUFF function in action in two real-world examples on the following Employee table:

The Employee table in DbVisualizer
The Employee table in DbVisualizer

The queries below will be executed in DbVisualizer, the database client with the highest user satisfaction in the market. You can run them in any other SQL client.

Concatenating Values With Delimiters

The goal here is to concatenate the surname values from multiple rows into a single string with a delimiter between them.

To achieve that, you may be thinking of using a FOR XML PATH SQL Server expression:

1 SELECT ', ' + Surname FROM Employee FOR XML PATH('');

The result of that query is close to the desired outcome:

1 , Johnson, Brown, Martinez, Miller, Smith, Williams, Davis, Anderson, Lee, Turner, Garcia, Lopez

However, that trailing , string is quite annoying. Remove that with STUFF:

1 SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + Name FROM Employee FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '');

The new result will be:

1 Johnson, Brown, Martinez, Miller, Smith, Williams, Davis, Anderson, Lee, Turner, Garcia, Lopez
Executing the STUFF SQL query in DbVisualizer
Executing the STUFF SQL query in DbVisualizer

Great! Mission complete.

This is just a simple SQL Server STUFF FOR XML PATH example, but can achieve more complex results by combining those two operators.

Mask Sensitive Data

Suppose you want to get your employees' e-mails redacted to avoid exposing sensitive data. Here is how you can achieve this using STUFF in SQL Server:

1 SELECT Id, STUFF(Email, 2, GREATEST(CHARINDEX('@', Email) - 3, 0), '*') AS MaskedEmail 2 FROM Employee;

Let’s break down the length argument of the SQL STUFF call. CHARINDEX('@', Email) returns the index of the @ character in the Email column. To this is subtracted 3 so point to the second-to-last character before @. Since you do not want length to be negative, you must wrap it with GREATEST and assume 0 as the minimum value.

Now, the substring to replace with * goes from the second character in the email string to the second-to-last. The result will be:

Note the masked emails in the result set
Note the masked emails in the result set

Et voilà! Masked emails are displayed as required.

SQL STUFF Function: Best Practices

Take a look at the list of the best practices of the STUFF function in SQL Server:

  • Before using STUFF, consider whether there are easier or more readable ways to achieve the same result using other string manipulation functions such as CONCAT, SUBSTRING, or REPLACE.
  • Remember that the STUFF SQL Server function can impact performance, especially when used on large datasets or in complex queries.
  • STUFF can return NULL values. You can deal with them with the SQL COALESCE function.
  • When you need to replace characters based on certain conditions, consider using CASE statements alongside STUFF.
  • When using STUFF, provide comments explaining the purpose of its usage, especially if the logic is complex or non-intuitive. Learn how in our guide on SQL comments.
  • Make sure the start argument is greater than 0.
  • Make sure the length argument is not a negative integer.


In this guide, you understood what the SQL STUFF function is and how it works. You now know that STUFF is a proprietary SQL Server function to insert a substring into another string. Thanks to the examples shown here, you have also learned when to use it in real-world scenarios.

Using the STUFF function in SQL Server becomes easier with a powerful database client. DbVisualizer is a full-featured database client that supports several DBMS technologies, comes with advanced query optimization functionality, and can generate ERD-like schemas with a single click. Try DbVisualizer for free!


What databases support the SQL STUFF function?

The SQL STUFF function is primarily supported in the Microsoft SQL Server database. Some other database systems might offer similar functionality, but STUFF is a non-standard function. So, it is not available across all SQL database platforms.

How to use SQL STUFF with integer data?

The STUFF function in SQL Server also works with integer data. For example, you can use it to replace the second digit of a number with 3 as follows:

1 SELECT STUFF(123456, 2, 1, 3);

The result will be:

1 133456

Why is the SQL Server STUFF FOR XML PATH usage popular?

The SQL Server STUFF function works well with FOR XML PATH because it allows you to remove the trailing characters added when concatenating rows into a single string. FOR XML efficiently handles string aggregation tasks and STUFF refines the result as desired.

Is the STUFF function in SQL Server efficient?

Yes, the STUFF function in SQL Server is efficient for string manipulation tasks, especially when used in conjunction with other operators like FOR XML PATH. However, its efficiency can vary depending on factors such as the size of the dataset and the complexity of the operation.

How do NULL values affect STUFF SQL Server results?

If the original string is NULL, the result of the STUFF SQL Server function will be NULL. If the substitution string is NULL, STUFF will not replace any characters and will just delete them.

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About the author
Antonello Zanini

Antonello is a software engineer, and often refers to himself as a technology bishop. His mission is to spread knowledge through writing.

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